Saturday, May 3, 2008

Goal #35 Teach Kinnzi a New Trick

I love how fast Kinnzi learns new tricks. Although, it's funny that we get so excited about the new tricks we teach her that we make her do the new one over and over. Now every time we even say her name she does the last trick we taught her. The last trick was to play dead when we shot her with our snappy finger hand gun. The new trick is to shake hands and getting her to sit still while trying to teach her to shake was the biggest challenge. She kept rolling over on her back playing dead and then get all excited for her treat because she did so good, at playing dead. She finally figured out that play dead wasn't getting her any treats so she complied with the hand shakes. I think some times she's a little too smart for her own good, it's a good thing she is so cute.

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