Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Think Twice

My cousin, D, called me on Thursday and asked if I had plans for the Labor Day weekend. I told her we were just staying home, for once, and enjoying some relaxation. D's husband was taking their oldest son to a BYU football game and she wanted to have some fun too so she wanted to come for a visit.

D and I grew up best friends, we spent many of our summers together either her at my house or me at hers. I'm sure we drove our parents nuts wanting to be together as soon as school got out.

You can't have a better best friend than a cousin because you can always keep in touch. Friends come and go but cousins are forever.

D called to tell me she was on her way when I drove by a house that had a fully loaded apricot tree. I'd tried to stop by this house before to ask if we could pick some of their apricots but no one was home. This time I had Big D try the house, he has a way with people that make them want to give him any thing he wants, that and he knows everyone it seems like. And wouldn't you know it Big D knew the gentlemen that lived there. The guy was a bit of a jokester as well, Big D asked him if we could pick his apricots and he said, "No, I really like it when they fall and rot on the ground."

Not only did he agree to let us pick his apricots but he took Big D around the side of the house and there was a peach and a pear tree we could pick. I called in reinforcements and we picked all we could reach that night.

My cousin showed up at my house and I told her how happy I was she decided to come. Then I told her what we were going to do the next day. She started laughing and said she'd think twice before wanting to come to my house to relax.

I was so grateful she came up. It took us all day Saturday to do the apricots and can the peaches and I didn't think there were that many. We had a good time being able to talk and reminisce as we worked. I know she will think twice before calling me, but I definitely calling her next time I need to can.

"Hey D, what are you doing this weekend?"

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