Monday, September 22, 2008

Goal #49: Plant & Maintain Garden

I have been planting a garden almost every year since we've lived in this house, about 8 1/2 years. This year is the first year that we've gotten this good of crop.

Most of the time we'll get just pumpkins, I love Halloween so I grow my own pumpkins for decoration. It's a lot cheaper than having to buy fifteen pumpkins at the store.

We are just so busy in the summer always gone and not watering or weeding like we should. Big D asked me last year if we could just plant grass in place of the garden so we don't have to worry about it any longer.

I am so glad I told him No.

This year almost every thing came up that we planted. We did have a problem with the onions not coming up and the kohlrabi was eaten by bugs of something.

Our corn came in beautifully, the stalks actually grew taller than me this year. We are still getting tons of tomatoes, fabulous. We got more zucchini than I knew what to do with, I actually ended up ripping out the bushes just so I'd stop getting zucchini.

The kids loved checking the garden everyday for peas. I planted four rows of peas just for them. I want the kids to have fun with the garden and learn to love it out there. Maybe one of my kids will learn to love gardening and help me with maintenance.

Big D is muy impressed with the garden this year. I think he was getting to the point he was questioning my skills, for that matter,so was I.

Not only did I have my garden this year but I helped my mom with hers, she HATES gardening with a capital H. Her garden was three times the size as mine, now that was a bugger to weed. Between me, my mom and my brother's families we did it. Thank goodness it's almost done.

Although I'm still harvesting tomatoes I think it's okay to say I've passed off this goal. What a fun goal it was and frankly I am impressed with my gardening skills and I look forward to next year.

I don't think I'm going to plant as many zucchi plants.

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