Friday, September 5, 2008

Goal #42 Find a Long Lost Friend

I am as giddy as a school girl today. I found my best friend from sixth grade, Jennifer. I have been looking for her for the past ten years of so. I've even sent Christmas cards out only to have them returned. I knew she moved back east some where. Last I heard it was one of the Carolina's.

I've had to subscribe to the newspaper for my News Reporting and Writing class. I was going through the paper yesterday and notice an obituary for Jen's grandma. I thought it was worth going to the funeral just in case she came.

This is the first funeral I've ever been to that I was excited, and nervous. I was nervous because the last time I'd had contact with her we were suppose to meet at the movies but my daughter got sick and I stood Jen up. I tried to get a hold of her but it was back before the days everyone carried cell phones. I left a message with her grandma but I never heard from her again. I was scared she was mad at me for standing her up. I know it sounds juvenile but I didn't know if she was still going to be mad at me.

When I saw her singing at the funeral all I could think was she is still just as beautiful as when we were younger. My heart went out to her because I knew how close her and her grandmother were.

After the funeral when she saw me she ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug I've ever had. She said she's been trying to find me for years too.

I am so full of gratitude right now I may tear up, whose kidding whom here, I'm not a cryer. But I am so happy that I don't even care that I sound corny right now.

We exchanged information and hopefully we never loose contact again. I am so excited to get to know her again. I got to meet her little boy, Drew. He's probably a little younger than Bear.

I know you can't see it right now but I have a huge smile on my face. I don't think this day can get any better.


Olerica said...

As you aren't a cryer, I'll tear up for you. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful to have found a long lost friend.

Tiff said...

Thank You for helping with my tears, it is wonderful.

Camie Marie said...

You are so hilarious. Does rolling my eyes count as tearing up? I mean, it kinda makes my eyes water.
Honestly, I'm so glad you found her! I know how important friendships are to you and she couldn't have a better one looking for her. :-)