Friday, August 22, 2008

My Last Friday of Freedom

I am going a bit crazy, I am not ready for summer to be over. At the start of summer I seriously thought the summer was going to go by slow and relaxing. We had our few major activities planned but other than that not much, boy was I wrong. I think out of the whole summer I ended up only having one weekend with nothing to do.

Now school is upon us and I don't know if I am ready for all that routine again. Which is really funny coming from me because I thrive on routine. I think Big D's laid back easy going personality is rubbing off. I think we may even be switching places, which is sad for him since I've always been the uptight worrier.

The past few weeks I've been in this mad dash scramble to "get every thing done". It's not like once I get these chores out of the job drawer I don't have to do any more. I just want to get myself to a point where I can concentrate my focus on school.

I've been trying to get all my canning out of the way, which is impossible since our garden isn't done producing yet. I have peppers coming in and a few tomatoes, now I am waiting for the onions to be ready so I can can some salsa. Little things like that are going to compete for my attention and pull my focus from school.

I believe I am secretly excited for school to start, but I don't want to neglect my duties as a mother and wife. If I feel I am neglecting my family it will be hard to justify me going back to school so soon. If I can't become an expert multi-tasker I will have to wait three more years before I can justify going back to school.

Oh I hope I can juggle well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am starting back up at school this fall again. I too am nervous. I took this last spring off since I was having Austin and I want to go back, but I feel bad going back. I am fortunate my grandma is going to drive to my house and tend my kids on Tues and Thurs for me. That should be good for all of us, give them a break from me and me a chance to get out and let my brain work a little. I love being in school, I feel so smart, but I love being at home with the kids I feel like I miss so much when I leave them. I know it will all be worth it in the end.