Monday, August 25, 2008

How Early Is Too Early?

I've been up since 6am, I've showered and my hair is done, I've changed my shirt twice, I've checked my bag and classroom number and now I'm ready to go to school. However, it is only 8:45am and my class starts at 9:30am. I know I want to go early to find a parking spot and my classroom but how early is too early?

I am so excited and nervous I can't sit still any longer so I am babbling on my blog, sorry.

It really is a beautiful day outside, the birds are chirping, a squirrel is scurrying across the fence, my kids are all out at my dad's so the house is quiet, and my dog is wondering when it's her turn for a little TLC.

All that good stuff is going on yet in my head all I can think about is, I'm going to be the oldest person in my class, is my professor going to be an self righteous ass (I've had one or two of those before), am I even going to like my class or am I going to screw up my hole academic career that I just barely started, again.

The really funny thing is none of those worries matter. Who cares if I'm the oldest in my class I'm not there to socialize and be friends with anyone. It does matter if I like my professor because it will make the semester that much harder and longer, but I will still make it through. I'm not going to let the opinion of one professor derail me from what I want to learn. I need to not go in with an attitude of, "I don't want your damn jack anyway".

Not liking the class is mute because I know I am going to love it. This is what I love doing. I just have to tell myself I am going to school to learn, not to already know every thing.

So if my head is full of these stupid worries that don't even make a difference, why can't I get them out of my head?

Oh, it's 9:03am I think I'm going to take off now! Wish me luck!

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