Friday, August 15, 2008

Bringing the Marina Home

We flood irrigate our back yard. The kids love to play in the water and I love how nice it makes my lawn and garden, and how much money it save me each year.

We haven't been able to enjoy our irrigation this summer due to construction on one of the main roads that cut us off from the water. They must be wrapping it up because the past two or three weeks we have had great water pressure. It's too bad that I didn't realize we had water yesterday until the evening and the kids were already in bed.

After we irrigated Big D and I went outside to sit on our swing and play in the water with our feet. I don't think we are ever going to grow up. Sitting out there I realized how much our back yard smelt like the marina. It's a good thing Big D has put the boat away for the year or it probably would have put him in the mood to go boating again. I swear that many just can't get enough fun.

We stayed outside until all the water was soaked into the ground then we went off to bed. Well, this morning I jumped up early to mow the lawn and found a puddle in the middle of my yard. I could have sworn all our water was soaked in before we went to bed, but I must have been mistaken.

Come to find out our neighbor left her irrigation on all night and flooded our yard again. It's a good thing that after we flooded our basement four times in one year we put in a fail safe. We built up the ground around our windows and put in a sort of ditch that travels down the side of our house and out the front yard into the street. If we hadn't put that in we would have had an all to familiar waterfall cascading down our wall about four in the morning.

So now instead of having to clean up a puddle in my basement all I have to do is wait for a puddle to dry up in my back yard, then I can mow my lawn. What a saving grace on my mood for the day. We averted a catastrophe, and the funny thing is when Big D and I were swinging we were talking about preparing for the next catastrophe in our life. Who knew!?!

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