Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fun Facts About Tiff

~ My Favorite Car: For the longest time it has been my secret, and sometimes not so secret, desire to own a 1965 Mustang. As I am maturing and I realize there are a few modern comforts I can live without, such as, air conditioning, power steering and cruse control. So I think I would settle for the new Camero that they used on the Transformers movie. 8/24/08
~ My Most Selfish Desire: I live in an older part of town in a home that was built back when builders added character to their homes. I have always loved older homes. When I drove by this house, before it was even on the market, I called my realtor and told him I wanted the house. It is perfect for my family and in the perfect location. However, there is this house right across the street that is all beautiful red brick, built around the same time as mine so it has character, the lot is twice as big as mine and so is the house, and it has a front porch (I love stooping). I've been teasing my husband for years that if it ever came on the market I would pounce on it. The little old lady who lives there took me for a tour one day and after that I couldn't quit thinking of every thing I would do to it if it ever became my decision. Big D, frustrated with all my wishful thinking, said, "You know you are coveting thy neighbors house?" I'd never thought of it that way before but that is exactly what I was doing, I'm so bad. I'm not going to lie to you, if it ever came on the market I would still do every thing in my power to attain it, which isn't much. I just don't have the thought in my head, "This will be mine. Oh yes it will be mine." Now I look at it as if it's ment to be it will happen. Some times I feel naughty like I am secretly cheating on my house, which if I had to live the rest of my life in this house, I would be fine with that. 8/23/08
~ My Worst Date: I was dating a young man named Jimmy. We were out with a group of friend, at least two car loads, looking for an open bowling alley. Tyson, the driver of the car I was in, missed his turn so he cut down an alley. In the alley was a gang of drunk young men. We slowed down and waited for them to move and then drove on. We stopped infront of the closed bowling alley and exited our vehicles to discuss our options with the car behind us (this was back before the time everyone had cell phones). As everyone's talking the gang came out of the alley and started yelling at Tyson saying he tried to run them over. My date grabbed me and threw me in the car as a fight broke out. It was a good thing the gang was drunk, their blows weren't as hard as they could've been. We all got back in our cars and got out of there before someone got seriously hurt but I was so shaken up after that. I had a hard time going to that part of town for years, and never at night. 8/22/08
~ My Earliet Memory: We were living behind, what is now Jefferson Elementry. I was probably about two or three. I had a nightmare and came out of my bedroom looking for someone to comfort me. My parents were still awake, so it couldn't have been too terribly late. However, I thought they were awake just for me. Of course I was a daddies girl so I always felt safest in my daddies arms. We had a special bond he and I, it's like his heart reached out and soothed mine. 8/21/08
~My favorite color: For the longest time it was white, but every one would argue with me that white isn't a color. So until white gets inducted into the Hall of Colors, I choose Sage Green. 8/20/08

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