Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Lord's Hand In November 2008

11/30/08~ I got to go to Relief Society today. That is the first time in about two years I was so excited. We had a combined Priesthood/Relief Society meeting and we in the Primary usually don't get to go to those because the Primary President doesn't like to let the Young Women cover for the teachers. I don't know if the Bishop said something to the Pres but we were all able to go and I gotta say it was just what I needed. I relished in every minute soaking it all in before I got shipped back to the nursery.

11/29/08~ The kids all went out to Grandma Honey and Papa Guy's house for the night. Big D and I decided to go on a date. We went to Craigo's for dinner and then to the movie The Dark Knight. I really liked the movie, it's probably the best one I've seen in a while. All in all it was just nice to be out with my main squeeze.

11/28/08~ We celebrated Thanksgiving at my in-laws. It was a nice meal but I fell asleep right after. Big D and I got up at 5 a.m. for Black Friday. We got all our shopping done so I think it was worth it. And we weren't idiots about just grabbing crap just because everyone else was, we've done that before. I do feel bad that I didn't spend more time with my in-laws. By the time Big D and I woke up from our nap everyone was gone.

11/27/08~ Today is Itchy's birthday and we are all going over to Brook's house to celebrate, well that and Thanksgiving. I love it when my family gets together I just wish my sister's could've made it up. We will see them around Christmas, Merry Christmas to us.

11/26/08~ Today was payday so Big D and I went out and got almost all our Christmas shopping done. I love getting that out of the way especially this early. I think we get one more pay check before Christmas so that will be nice for last minute gifts I'd forgotten.

11/25/08~ My nephew, Brook Jr., invited us to his school program. He did a great job singing and telling the audience a family tradition: going to Lagoon every year. Which was a bit of a surprise to some of us that that is his families tradition, but I guess it is now. After the program I jogged over to Brook's house to workout. I think it was a little too cold to jog, my lungs were burning for the next two days.

11/23/08~ We celebrated Thanksgiving with my Papa Guy and Grandma Honey. Dinner was delayed a bit due to the turkey taking forever. We decided to just go ahead and eat without the main course. Honey makes such great food known of us really cared there wasn't turkey to go along with our raspberry salad and butter topped rolls. Yummy! We all had a great time visiting and I had to hug and kiss my minions at least ten times each just so they'd know how much I missed them.

11/22/08~ I spent the day with my sisters Ann, Marie, and Rae along with my brother Lowell. We went shopping and to the movie Twilight. We tend to have way too much fun when we get together. It's hard to leave but my vacation to see my sisters truly makes me a better mother and wife.

11/21/08~ Rae and I were suppose to go to Celine Dion, but she postponed her concert until February. I should be upset but all that means is I get to go visit my sisters in February. We all still decided to visit my sisters inspite of not having a concert to go to. We all went out to a nice dinner at Lone Star and spent the evening laughing and joking around. I love my family.

11/20/08~I had to go to a city council meeting for my reporting class. Oh it was the most boring two hours of my life. I written my paper on the meeting yet and I don't exactly know what to say. When the newspaper covers these meeting it is a short maybe one hundred words unless something big happens and trust me nothing big happened at this meeting.

11/19/08~ Class once again was cake. I had morning class which was a guest speaker, the editor from a local magazine. My professor canceled afternoon lab since we watched the movie on Monday. I so like weeks like this.

11/17/08~ Today was such a nice day school wise. I didn't have morning class but my professor asked if we could come in for afternoon lab to watch the movie "All The President's Men". I had to take Bear with me but he did great. He fell asleep for half the movie.

11/15/08~ My mother-in-law and I went up to my sister-in-law's house to decorater her Christmas tree for her birthday. I know that was a bit complicated but that is exactly what happened. I had a great time having some alone time with them talking and laughing. I have the best in-laws.

11/14/08~ My family has been watching the first seven seasons of Smallville together. I think we are a bit addicted, thanks to Lowell. It's nice because so far the shows are family friendly and it's been nice not having to tell my kids to close their eyes every two seconds.

11/13/08~ Today was the kids portfolio conferences, which is our school's way of saying parent/teacher conferences. Bud is right on track to were he should be, Beaner is progressing nicely, and Bug is exceeding expectation.

11/12/08~ I was severly chastised infront of my whole class for a mistake I made in my article. No one knew it was me when he was chastising but I knew it was me. He looked directly at me and said how disappointed he was and he should've taken 200 points off for it. I am duely noted and I don't think I will be making that mistake again.

11/11/08~ I took the day off. I did as little as possible and then even less than that. It's funny because people with normal jobs get days off and no one asks what's wrong with them, but when I take a day off everyone thinks something is wrong. I was proud of myself though, I still managed to get dinner on the table.

11/10/08~ Apparently I can focus on only one big task at a time. Today Bug had a doctor's appointment right after school. Well, she also has piano lessons right after school. I was so focused on getting piano lessons done and to the doctor on time that everything else left my brain. I showed up fifteen minutes early to pick the kids up from school. I was feeling so good about myself until I realize I was really fifteen minutes late because I was supposed to help out in Bud's classroom. I grabbed Bear and we ran inside to find our job was just about complete by someone else. His teacher confessed she'd been dogged by all the other parent volunteers that day and she didn't want to take any chances that I wouldn't show up either. I felt horrible. However, we made it through piano lessons and to the doctor on time.

11/9/08~ The kids did their primary program in sacrament meeting today. They are so cute up there trying to be all reverent. It is rather entertaining because you know there's always the one who turns green and almost passes out. There's always the one who keeps giving his grandpa the thumbs up every two minutes. And then there is mine who can't quit yawning because their father let them stay up till the wee hours. Bud couldn't stand still and focus on the music. Beaner looked ticked and wouldn't smile for nothing. Bug complained she sang so much she was parched and would probably lose her voice if she didn't receive immediate hydration. I love primary programs.

11/8/08~ We finally have a day off without any plans. Yeah! I might get my house clean. It's funny that I don't make the kids do chores everyday anymore I only ask for their help on Saturdays and I still get whines and gripes.

11/7/08~ I went visiting teaching tonight. I only got to see one of my four ladies but I think that's all I can get this month. One lady doesn't want us to come, one went out of town, and the last lady just had major surgery and is bedridden. I think I am still going to try to make something and take it into the last lady. All the ladies I visiting teach are elderly and at first I was a bit perturbed about that. However, I've been visiting them over a year and I love each and every one of them. I wish I could visit them more often; some of them are so lonely.

11/6/08~ Bear and I went with Bug on her field trip. We went to an old city park that they are trying to revitalize and planted flowers. We had a great time and I got to meet some of Bug's friends from school. I love how hands on and community oriented her school is.

11/5/08~ Today is my brother Lowell's Birthday, I think he's turning 30 :) Actually he's only 28. I love to tease him. We have a bit of a competition in our family to see who can wish the birthday person "Happy Birthday" first. It doesn't count the day before, it has to be the day of. I'm pretty sure I won this one. Not only did I call and leave a voice mail I also emailed him.

11/4/08~ I finished canning the last of my tomatoes. Halleluja! I am so tired of canning, but boy is it worth it. The salsa tastes great. Now we can just sit back and enjoy the friuts of our labor.

11/3/08~ I only have about five or six weeks left of class. I am so excited. I think my writing is getting worse as the semester goes. I need to be done with this class while I'm still getting A's and B's on my papers.

11/2/08~ I have lost all interest in my calling. I know it sounds really bad of me, but I am burnt out. I feel bad because I let my partner do most of the work. She's great with kids and loves to get down and play with them. I don't have chemistry with kids, I'm surprised when they don't scream and run for their parents every time they get dropped off. All week I'm with my kids and then on the weekends I watch other people's kids. I need some adult interaction before I go crazy.

11/1/08~ My sisters came into town, YEAH! I've missed them emensly. We spent the day shopping for after Halloween specials, (Ann and I are huge fans of Halloween). We took the kids to the park. Then we met up at Brook's house for a little dinner and conversation. I love getting together with my family. The only one we were missing was Itchy and his family.

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