Friday, December 5, 2008

Husband Brag

I got this from my friend Rosa's blog. She called it Husband Tag but I decided to change the title. Thanks Rosa for the idea!

1. Where did you meet?
We grew up together, he was my brother Brook's best friend.

2. How long did you date before you got married?
We dated for exactly six months to the day.

3. How long have you been married?
We will be married for thirteen years in February

4. What does he do that surprises you?
He loves his family more than anything. Not having a father in the home growing up I didn't have any expectations on what kind stuff father's are suppose to do. He blows me away every day with how great of a husband and father he is.

5. What is your favorite feature of his?
His big strong arms. I love grabbing his arms and squeezing them. They are solid!

6. What is your favorite quality of his?
He is always so calm and logical. He knows just what to do in situations, and if he doesn't he's a really good pretender.

7. Does he have a nickname for you?
Not that I can think of. I have a lot for him, it kind of depends on my mood. I usually call him my Sexy Beast, Dr. Jones, or Hunk-a-hunk of burnen love.

8. What is his favorite color?

9. What is his favorite food?
He loves food, any food that he doesn't have to make himself.

10. What is his favorite sport?

11. When and where was your first kiss?
We had our first kiss, on our second date, on the back of a trailer at the go cart track. He didn't remember that I am deaf in my right ear and whispered, "Can I kiss you?" I didn't have a clue as to what he said and I turned my head to ask him to repeat and he planted one on me. After seeing my stunned eyes he asked what was wrong, he'd asked if it was okay. I reminded him that I am deaf. We still have a good laugh about that.

12. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
We love to cuddle up on the couch and watch a good movie while he gives me a massage.

13. Do you have any children?
Yes, we have five: Bug, Beaner, Bud, Bear, and Sweeton.

14. Does he have a hidden talent?
He is such a romantic. When we were first married he informed me he doesn't like to do all that romantic stuff:flowers, chocolates, and superfluous garbage. I said that was fine because I'm not one who enjoys that kind of stuff anyway. Come to find out romance means some thing different to everyone and he knows just what makes tick: watching him wrestle with the kids on the front room floor, remembering that I like ice in my milk, calling me a couple times a day just to see how I'm doing, etc etc etc. He is the most romantic man I know.

15. How old is he?
He is a riping 33.

16. Who said I love you first?
I did, we went for a drive and stopped on a road that isn't used much. We'd always go walk that road when we needed to talk. I can't remember what we needed to talk about but I do remember turning too him and asking him if he knew I was in love with him. I think this was a turning point in our relationship because a couple months before we had a big all night fight and I told him I was still in love with my ex-boyfriend, Brian. Brian and I dated for a couple years and almost got engaged before I broke things off. It had been eight months, he was married to someone else, and I was scared to get back in the same situation.

Big D was not happy when I shared how I felt but he was very patient and didn't give up on trying to win my heart. After I'd told him that I loved him it wasn't long before we were engaged.

17. Whats his favorite type of music?
Right now he is really enjoying Church music, a little Afterglow, some Raymond dude.

18.What do you admire most about him?
His ability to talk to people and instantly make them feel at ease. He makes friends so easily everybody loves him.

19. Do you think he will read this?
No, he's way too busy.

I am so truly blessed to be married to a man as sweet and loving as Big D. I am grateful I have all eternity to repay him.

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