Monday, December 8, 2008

Closing Down IHOP

Marie came into town this weekend. Saturday night her, Lowell, my mom and I got together at IHOP for some good conversation. It definitely wasn't for the food.

We were loud and obnoxious and an embarrassment to my mom. You'd think she'd be used to us by now. Oh hey, maybe that's why she doesn't go out in public with us too much.

We were laughing so loud my mom shushed us and said we were probably disturbing a family eating. Um there was ten or so people at that family and they probably didn't even realize we were there.

Ten minutes later, in the middle of a different topic in conversation, my mom started draining her mucus well out her nose. I looked at her and told her, that if anything, that was bugging the other tables dinner.

We ended up staying at IHOP until they closed at midnight. I've heard of people closing down bars or nightclubs but never an IHOP. We were pretty proud of ourselves.

After leaving IHOP I took Lowell home and we stayed out front of his house until 1 a.m. talking. I love talking with him. He makes me laugh so hard I forget that I was in a bad mood before I met up with everyone.

I love it when my sister comes home to visit. I hope we make her feel missed and loved when she comes home. This is why I love the holidays, I get to see more and more of my family.

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