Friday, February 6, 2009

To Stretch or Not To Stretch

I grew up with the philosophy that if you exercise you need to stretch before and after. But now days I hear that stretching really does nothing for you. There is no scientific proof that stretching prevents injuries. There is no proof it is beneficial at all, besides it feels really good.

I agree, it feels really good. We've started ending our workout on Friday with yoga, which is a lot of stretching. I've come to really look forward to Fridays, plus, I've noticed my posture is so much better after yoga.

I have also been running a mile every other day, because I read you aren't suppose to do it every day because you will end up suffering from shin splints. Well, guess what? I am suffering from shin splints anyway. I was scared to run my mile today because they were hurting so bad. I was scared I'd have a spasm in the middle of my run, my leg would seize up, I'd fall flat on my face with the treadmill still in play, and it would shoot me off the back slamming me into the wall. I've seen it on a commercial once, I know it can happen.

I asked some friends in my yoga class what that is all about and Daphne said that she's noticed when she was younger she could start her workouts cold and end the same, but the older she gets she's realized that if she doesn't stretch before and after she gets an injury.

So now I do need to stretch before and after? First it was yes, then it doesn't really do anything for you, but now it's a yes again. Well, I am getting older so that would be a yes.

These doctors who say, "There is no scientific reaserch to back up the benefits of stretching", obiviously are very young or they don't workout.

Not only does stetching feel good, it helps you relax and de-stress after a workout. Stretching my body helps me to wake up in the mornings. Stretching helps me to stand up straight and hold my head up high. Stretching gives me something to look forward to at the end of a hard week at the gym.

I just wish stretching would help me lose the weight as well as the working out does, I would do a lot more stretching if it did.

Even though the scientist/doctors say there is no proof, I think I will stretch, if for nothing else then to get rid of these nasty shin splints.

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