Monday, February 9, 2009

Movie Review: He's Just Not That Into You

Wow, where to begin, I beyond hated this movie. If I could think of a stronger word, that I wouldn't have to repent for, I'd use it.

It was one of those movies that got progressively worse until I just couldn't take anymore and walked out.

It followed a couple different story lines with pathetic psycho women and unintelligent slimy men.

The women whined the whole movie about trying to get a man, keep a man, to call or not to call a man. Please let me stab a pencil in my ear.

The men puffed up their chests and went around like no one mattered but them, please let me take a pencil to your chest.

The one story line that just through me off my kilter was a married man who met a beautiful woman in the super market. They kept justifying why it was okay to talk (for business reasons), then to be friends (and go swimming naked), and finally to sleep together.

I just couldn't fathom why the audience was laughing at this. It made me feel creepy for watching so I had to get out of there.

I have never had a place in my life for infidelity. Too many of my loved ones have been devastated by it. I just cannot comprehend how anyone can be so selfish.

When Big D and I were first married I was terrified of him cheating on me. I figured it was only a matter of time before he got tired of being married to me and find something better. I would have vivid nightmares of him sleeping around with other women, I'd wake up so hurt and angry. And yes, I will admit I did take it out on him.

He had to reassure me, probably every day, for the first three or four years of our marriage that he was in love with me and he would do every thing in his power to not put himself in a situation that could even be misconstrued. I have since quit having nightmares, and punishing him for them.

He is such a great husband, and knows that it is still such a huge concern of mine, that he, to this day, reassures me that I am still the one for him. I know I sound insecure and needy, I probably am, but it sure feels good to hear that after thirteen years, five babies, and fifty pounds he still loves me for me.

I've seen too much pain in my life due to selfishness that I am not going to view it as entertainment. It is sad that society seems to be accepting such things as infidelity as natural human tendencies. What happened to the sanctity of marriage?

I heard a talk show host say once that all men are cheaters because men are not built to be monogamous, that is crap!!! I think he's just giving himself and every other man in this world an excuse to be selfish inconsiderate pigs.

I think I've made my stand pretty clear on this topic. I hated this movie with a white hot intensity of a thousand suns. Now I will step off my soap box, Thank you!

1 comment:

Camie Marie said...

I knew it would come! The "white hot intensity of a thousand suns". :) Thanks for the review. I saw a couple of blips for it online. Luckily, we never go out, so...I probably wouldn't have seen it anyway. Now I don't have to rent it either!