Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Goal #25 Cook a New Recipe Once a Week for a Month

It's always difficult to try new recipes with such small children. It has really helped teaching them that they have to try at least one bite of something before they tell me they don't like it. After they've tried one bite and they say they don't like it I don't make them eat anymore. However, most of the time they discover they really do like it and mom really does know what she's doing.

But like anything else, some recipes are a keeper and some don't need to be made again. It is just as fun for me to discover a new recipe that my entire family enjoys as it is for the kids. The sad thing is once I find some thing new I usually make it to death until we are all sick of it. I am a lazy chef, I like simple and quick. Especially when I have four children and one husband whining about how hungry they are and is dinner almost ready because they are about to take their last breath before they starve to death.

I guess if I was smart I'd start making dinner earlier when they weren't so hungry, but I swear as soon as they see me go in the kitchen that is when starvation sets in.

I know there are delicious quick and easy recipes out there. I just have to find them. I am a lot like Lewis and Clark that way, I am discovering new frontier for my family ;)

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