Sunday, July 27, 2008

Family Reunion, Check

We had my mom's family reunion yesterday, which we were in charge of. We all went out boating, big surprise there if I'm planning it. The one person I was worried about how they'd do is Grams, but she did great. I did get some gripes and moans about why we were doing it at the beach. By the end of the day most everyone was all smiles and had a great time.

I know I had fun because I am so sore today. My arms feel like jello so much so that I can barely type. Now I get to go play with kids in the nursery, Yeah for me! I figure if I keep up with the tubing every weekend I will be one buff chick in no time. Of course the bruises aren't that attractive and a bit tender.

Poor Big D had to drive the boat all day, he never got to get on the tube. He figured that was how it was going to be with so many people there and only one boat. We wanted to have two boats but we couldn't get Brook's boat working for some reason.

I have been so impressed with my kids, the girls would spend the whole day on the tubes if we'd let them. It's a big difference from last year when they weren't really interested. It's fun to go out with them and watch them and their beautiful faces light up with excitement.

I don't know why but I love going on the tube with my girls, however, you get Brook out there with me and all of a sudden I am not having fun anymore. He is a bit more rough than I am, I know he's going to try something and the chances of me getting hurt go way up. Like the time he jumped from his tube to mine, except his tube is the one that gets sucked under if no one is on it so he brought his tube with him and put it on top of me as well. Between the water splashing me and his tube in front of my eyes I couldn't see anything. Of course I ended up loosing my grip and falling of and half the reservoir went up my nose. Brook said that was the best wreck of the day, I told him I wouldn't know because I didn't see it.

I took my cousins three year old little boy out on the tube with me and after thirty seconds he wanted me to stop. So I told Big D to cut it and started pulling us back to the boat to hand him off to his mom. We ended up getting turned around and falling over backwards. I was freaked out because I'd never wrecked with such a little kids before. I was holding him on his back trying to swim to the boat but he wouldn't hold still. He kept wanting to turn over and saying, "Let go my teacher tells me to do this, my teacher tells me to do this." He was so cute repeating himself and way more freaked out than me. I felt bad because I probably scared him for life. Hopefully he'll forgive me some day, it's a good thing kids that young still have short memories.

1 comment:

Camie Marie said...

I'm so glad it turned out well!! I knew you'd do great!