Thursday, April 3, 2008

School Truly Makes Me Happy

I know I must sound crazy but I am truly getting what I need out of school. I get adult interaction. I get feed back on my work. I get to leave my home for two hours twice a week. It makes me feel like I am doing something that is just for me. I've heard of this phenomenon happening to other people; school being fun and fulfilling. I just never thought I would be that person.

I've known for about a week now that I am going to need to write my fourth paper. I kept trying to put together a thesis in my head and on paper but nothing was working. I even started writing my paper twice, I got about half way done on both of them and just decided they weren't working for me, I wasn't feeling them. So once again I started from scratch. The sad thing is my first draft was due today so I had to have something on paper to show that I was working. Two hours before school started is when I decided third times the charm. I knew I didn't have long and I would be pushing it. So I jumped in and began. I am not going to say it is an 'A' paper right now. I am going to say it is on it's way to being one. I can't explain why this paper was working for me and the others didn't. Boy am I glad I finally found a thesis that worked.

After this I only have one paper left to write. It isn't going to be an easy one and it's worth 20% of my grade. With Spring awakening all around me it's a bit hard to concentrate. A part of me wishes they would put the hard papers at the beginning or the semester so when I get burnt out it wouldn't affect so much of my grade. But then again I got a 'C' on my first paper and I don't want that making up so much of my grade. At least this way I still have a shot at pulling another 'A'. I guess I agree with the curriculum the way it is.

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