Thursday, April 10, 2008

The First 25 of 100 Things that Make me Happy

25. Thoughtful gestures, It really makes someone feel loved when they receive an unexpected thoughtful gesture. 4/8/08
24. Birthday presents, I think it is a wonderful way for someone to feel loved: remember their Birthday. 4/7/08
23. Thesauruses, what an awesome tool for writers. 4/6/08
22. Conference; listening to General Conference always invigorates me. It pushes me to want to be a better person and express that in my writing. I always get an insatiable need to write when I listen to Conference, but I discipline myself to wait until Conference is over so I don't miss anything important, then I let loose. 4/5/08
21. I know my husband is not a 'thing' but he deserves a spot on my list. He rescued me from a pitty party that I did not want to be involved in. He helped me find my way out therefore he is my knight in shining armor. 4/4/08
20. School, I know it makes me sound crazy but it truly makes me happy to learn new things. 4/3/08
19. Trampolines, I know they are one of the most dangerous toys my kids own, howeve, it keeps my kids entertained for hours. We have made it as safe as we can so I don't worry too much, but the first time someone breaks an appendage on it, it's gone. 4/2/08
18. My office chair; I have discovered that if I swivel in my chair really fast my dog will chase my feet. It's a fun new way to exercise her, until she catches me and bites my toes. Just more incentive to go faster. 4/1/08
17. A nice thick door when my two boys are play cowboys and indians with cap guns. 3/31/08
16. A nice leather journal that is begging to be written in. 3/30/08
15. My computer, when it works the way I think it should. 3/29/08
14. Warm fuzzy slipper socks; I so hate having cold feet and although it is officially Spring it is still freezing. 3/28/08
13. Caller ID; I don't have to worry about whose on the phone in the middle of inspiration, I can check after and call them back if I want to. 3/27/08
12. Herbs, Echinacea to be more exact, that help kick colds bums. 3/26/08
11. Books on tape; I can multitask at the same time as I read, less guilt. 3/25/08
10. A good set of clippers. I love to garden and especially love to sculpt my bushes so they are ready for Spring foilage to erupt from it's slumber. 3/24/08
9. Stores that are open 24 hours a day just in case I forget a holiday, like Easter. And by the loads of people in the store around midnight I am not the only one. 3/23/08
8. My bike; I love to ride bikes together as a family. 3/22/08
7. A sleek tube of lip right when my lips feel like the are going to shrivel up and fall off my face. 3/21/08
6. Bottled water, I love having a fresh bottle of water when I am totally parched and I don't have to drink the nasty tap water that's full of chlorine. 3/20/08
5. Kinnzi's pooper scooper, so I don't have to get anywhere near the nasties. 3/19/08
4. My cuddle chair, I love to cuddle with my sweet heart or my five sweeties, my dog is included. 3/18/08
3. Toilet seat covers in a public restroom. 3/17/08
2. My camera to capture those precious moments. 3/16/08
1. A stray piece of paper when inspiration hits. 3/15/08

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