Friday, January 23, 2009

Oops! My Bad

I posted our weight updates yesterday and boy did I get some numbers mixed up. I posted that I went from 173 lbs to 701.5 lbs. Wow, I thought I had a horrible week last week. I don't think that is possible, is it?

When I got on this morning I saw what I'd done and changed it. I really am doing a lot better this week than last week.

However, if you look at how much Big D has lost and what his goal is compared to me and my goal, we are about neck and neck. The thing that really sucks is I have to wake up every morning at 5 a.m. to stay neck and neck with him. The only work out Big D gets is typing on his computer as he sits on his butt at work, that is so not fair that guys lose weight so much easier than women.

Wow, I sound like a whiner. I am very proud of how far we've come. We haven't given up yet and that is great to me. I love that I have my best friend who's willing to suffer right along with me and keep me motivated. Thank you my hunk-a-hunk of burning love!!!

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