Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'm Home

I have never been so happy to see the desert. I loved loved loved all the trees in the New England area, but man did I miss the mountains. I loved walking hand in hand on the beach almost every night, but boy oh boy did I miss my babies.

I had a great vacation. I would probably put it up there with the best of my life. I could tell I had a great one when I was just as giddy to come home as I was to go to Boston. We played hard and wore ourselves out.

Big D and I asked each other if we would ever move to New England and at first we said yes. After a week and a half we realized that even though it is way more beautiful over there, there wasn't any family and that is what make home, home. We might not live in the most aesthetically beautiful part of the U.S. but with our family all around us, it is perfect.

When I was going through security they flagged my carry on, I knew they would. I was smuggling home antique corbels. I didn't want to put them in my checked luggage because I knew they'd want to see what they heck they were if they x-rayed my bag and I didn't want them to cut my lock off. I was watching the guys face as he was x-raying my carry on. Stopping the conveyor belt, going forward and back, squinting, and finally flagging it.

Another person came over and grabbed my bag and asked whose it was. We walked over to a special counter and she talked to me like I was a terrorist, "Don't touch the bag or put your hands anywhere close to it until I tell you other wise." She opened my bag and swiped a cloth to make sure there wasn't any bomb residue. After that came back okay she just stood there looking at this bubble wrapped blob and asked, "What they hell is that?" I told her they were antique corbels and offered to unwrap the bubble wrap so she could see them. The tape was pretty tight so I asked her if she had any scissors, dummy me it's the airport, no one has scissors. I got a little bit opened and showed her. I think she rolled her eyes and probably thought I was a dink for bringing home they old decaying wood brackets. After she cleared me I had to laugh about they whole thing.

Big D and I were not able to fly home together because I'd extended my vacation. I flew out an hour and a half before him and he made it to SLC twenty minutes before me. I didn't think it would bother me so much not having him right there. I looked through my pictures on my laptop as I was flying into Phoenix as I was listening to the song Big D wrote for me three years ago for Christmas and I started crying. I realized at that moment how much I missed my kids and how excited I was to be home. It's amazing that even though a plane cuts travel time down immensely, it still wasn't fast enough.

As soon as we landed and were on the road we called Bud to wish him a Happy Birthday. Big D asked him if he was doing anything fun that day and he said, "Yes, I'm going home." Well that did it, now Big D couldn't drive fast enough.

I am so so so happy to be home. I missed everyone!

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