Sunday, June 14, 2009

I'm a Pain in the Neck

I think the Lord must have a weird sense of humor. Here I am a few days before my trip to Boston and my neck goes out on me. To be honest I don't think it's all that funny.

The last time my neck went out on me, two years ago, it was right before I was to leave to Montana. But last time it came on slowly over a period of a week, this time it hit me all in one night.

I went to bed just fine and about 3 a.m. I woke to an intense pain in my neck. I pulled myself out of bed to get some Advil, I didn't want to wake Big D. The Advil helped me make it to the morning until Big D woke up. He ran to the store and bought some Biofreeze and a massager. I've been having him massage me at least twice a day since then.

I think it's working. I went to church today and told everyone that Big D didn't like the way I did the dishes, but I learned my lesson. I didn't think I'd make it through Sacrament meeting but I did

I am really hoping that I can be all better before I have to sit on an airplane for five hours. I don't think Big D wants to listen to me whine for that long. Plus, if I'm laid up my entire visit to Boston I am going to be super duper oober pissed.

I am implimenting the power of postive thinking, "I will be better. I will be better. Oh please, let me be better!"

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