Saturday, November 22, 2008

Movie Review: Twilight

Where do I start? I feel bad for Stephanie Meyers, all that hard work she did on the book and that was the best the film makers could do. I was so looking forward to the passion that was suppose to come across. It peaked it's head a couple times but then it disappeared.

The most disturbing part was the graceful fluid movement that vampires are supposedly known for. In the movie they moved like giant clumsy cats and it just looked awkward. It looked like the characters were running in place and they just pushed fast forward. I don't know if the cinematographer just graduated from high school, but they definitely needed someone with a bit more experience.

I felt Kristen Stewart did okay as Bella's character and they didn't develop Edward's character at all.

I know it's hard to take a book that is loved by many and try to create an outcome that will appease the masses, but they seem to be getting something right with the Harry Potter movies.

Watching Carlisle turn Edward into a vampire was probably the most intimate and unsettling part of the entire show.

If Robert Pattinson would have kept his accent it would have added to his character and made him more eloquent.

I do have so good things to say about the movie, I liked Edward's driving after rescuing Bella from the hoodlums. I thought Edward was good looking. Ummm that's pretty much it.

Maybe I set myself up for the disappointment because I was looking forward to this movie too much. Maybe it's Stephanie Meyer's fault for writing a book that was just so good the film makers couldn't transpire everyone's expectations on to the big screen.

I think they could have solved a lot of problems if they would have just made the movie a bit longer to give themselves more room to develop the story and characters. Trust me the devoted fans would not have minded sitting in their seats for a bit longer.

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