Friday, October 31, 2008

Fun Facts About Me

~ What is my Favorite Gift from my Dad: For my Sixteenth Birthday my dad gave me a set of scriptures. I know this doesn't sound like much to some people but for me it was awesome. My dad had been inactive ever since my parents got a divorce when I was eleven. I never quit loving my dad but I was so hurt and disappointed that the values and morals he'd helped my mom to teach me all my life, now meant nothing to him. I was so scared that when it came time for me to get married in the temple, my dad wouldn't be able to come. I guess when he gave my a set of scriptures it gave me a glimmer of hope that he might still believe all he'd taught us. A glimmer of hope that I was important enough to want to be at my wedding. Hope that someday he would want to help heal the rift between us by coming back to the church. Now when I read my scriptures it always makes me stop and reflect on how far my dad and I have come. Our relationship is getting better and better all the time and he is worthy to go to the temple with me any time. 10/31/08

~ What Musical Artists have I seen in Concert: I had Garth Brooks tickets but I sold them for a nice profit, which I kick myself for now because I really like his music. I have been on the fourth row of a Boys-to-Men concert. I worked at a Clint Black concert, and it ticked me off to no end when I saw a women with a tiny baby standing next to a huge blarring speaker. I am super duper excited to go to a Celine Dion concert with my sister-in-law in a couple weeks. 10/27/08

~ Who would Play me in the Movie of My Life: Well, my kids say it would be Sela Ward but Big D would say Amanda Bines. While Sela is beautiful I really like Amanda's sense of humor. I'm good with either canidate. 10/10/08

~ What was My Worst Sickness: I had the Mumps when I was in about the seventh grade. That was pretty humiliating having my mom take a picture of me looking like a chipmunk. But I don't think that was the worst. When I was in high school I was going to the ER, at least, once a month for about three months in a row. Finally I had exploritory surgery because they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. It ended up being Endometriosis. The doctors said it would be really hard to have kids IF I could have kids at all. I am very blessed to have been able to give birth to five beautiful children. My mom had a cousin with the same condition and she has never been able to have kids. I am truly blessed. 9/26/08

~ Where do I see My Family in Five Years: I would like to say I will be graduated from college, but I highly doubt it. I can't even start going full time for another two to three years. I will, however, be skinnier and more outgoing. People won't intimidate me as much as they do now. I see myself relaxing and enjoying life. Big D will be graduated from his masters program and pursuing a career move. He will finally be able to relax about finances and realize they aren't any thing to stress about (wishful thinking). Bug will be fourteen and really into boys, shoot. I wonder how long I can convince her they have cooties, it seems to be working so far. I promised Bug and Beaner $500 if they didn't kiss a boy until their sixteenth birthday, we'll see if that happens. Beaner will be twelve and a full blown teenager. She will just be going into Young Womens and I see her as really blossuming into a beautiful young woman. Bud will ten and a heart breaker already. He has huge eye lashes that already drive the girls batty. He will still be a bit shy but I see him as emerging into a leadership role among his peers. Bear will be eight and getting baptised. He will be a little spit fire and way into motorcycles. He will be going on all day trips with his dad in the hills. I will probably end up with a motorcross track in my back yard. 9/23/08

1 comment:

Camie Marie said...

I can totally see those 5 year things turning out just the way you say! How funny. It goes so fast!