Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I have recently finished my list of 50 Goals in 550 days. I read them to my husband and he asked me if I know how long 550 days is. Yes I know how to count. I am excited about this new challenge I have placed before myself. I know some of them are easier than others and some seem stupid to others, however, I am planning on finishing them all. I think my biggest challenge is going to be number ten: take a picture of each one of my kids for 365 days, that is 1,460 pictures. It is going to be especially hard on weekends when they go to their grandparents house, I don't know what I am going to do then. Maybe I can send the camera with them and ask Bug to take the pictures for me, is that cheating?

Goals are such a good habit to get into. I was raised with others telling me to set goals for myself. Being the obstinate child I was, just ask my mom, I never took them up on it. I have recently in my adult years discovered the wisdom behind setting goals. I have learned that it helps with my self-esteem when I meet a goal. I took a challenge to read the Book of Mormon three years ago. The Prophet offered the challenge in August, I think, and asked that we finish it by the end of the year. I didn't decided to get involved until October. I mapped out how many chapters I had to read a day to finish and on December 22, 2005 I finished the Book of Mormon for the first time in my life. I enjoyed the challenge so much that over the next two years I set a goal to finish all the books of scripture and on December 17, 2007 I finished my last book in the Bible. That was one goal I was scared I wouldn't make. It took me three months to get through the book of Isaiah. I finished it and now I can mark myself up there with people who have read all the books of scripture, that means a lot to me.

Everyone has their own goals in life. Some have the goal to make it through one more day. I had days like that after my son died. Other's have goals to be rich. I have a goal to be happy and I believe by focusing most of my goals on others I will learn how serving others makes me happy.

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