Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm Addicted To Cuteness

I can't quit taking pictures of the puppies. I think I'm addicted.

This is a picture of the daddy, Roxer. Sorry it's a little fuzzy, he's a mover and a shaker. This is the best picture I could get with my phone. He is so cute I wanted to put him in my purse and take him home. Kinnzi loved him too. She wasn't feeling really well when I took her over to meet him, she'd just gotten some shots. I thought she'd get snippy with him and not let him near her, boy was I wrong.

As soon as I put her down she started chasing him. When she turned around and Roxer mounted her the kids started laughing and asking questions. I knew it was time to leave and give them their privacy.

Kinnzi is such a great mom. I tood them in to get their tales docked and dewy claws removed yesterday. I thought Kinz was going to have a heart attack. Her and I waited in the lobby while the Vet took the pups. It's a good thing someone brought in a cat who really didn't want to be there, she drowned out the puppies cries. But that didn't stop Kinz from lactating all over me.

Kinz doesn't want anyone to see her puppies so every time someone comes close to her bed she puts her head over them. I've tried and tried to get pictures of just the puppies and I haven't been too successful.

Until now. They still look a bit like mice, but way cuter. I love their little squeaks. Bear asked me the other day why they do that and I told him that they are babies and they're crying for their mama. He laughed like the was the silliest thing he'd ever heard. He said, "I didn't cry all the time when I was a baby." Then it was my turn to laugh.

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