Friday, April 9, 2010

Everybody's Loosing Stuff These Days

We were eating dinner last night, fajitas and corn on the cob (Bud's favorite). When Bud bit down on his cob his front tooth started bleeding. We were all super excited because he refuses to wiggle his teeth so it takes forever to get them out.

Big D talked him into letting him tie floss around the tooth, I think the $$$ factor didn't hurt. Once he got the floss on he changed his mind and didn't want to do it anymore. TOO LATE!

Big D used me as a way to distract Bud. He told Bud to smile big so I could take his picture and as soon as he did Big D yanked the floss. Not my idea of a good approach but it worked. I think Big D lost his 'favorite parent' status though, which is good for me because I'm always the 'bad guy'.

Flinging the tooth, Big D lost it some where in the restroom. I think Beaner was a bit confused, she thought it was "Dinner and a Show in the Restroom" night. She came prepared.

Those big alligator tears just about broke my heart. He didn't quit crying for a good five minutes. I tell you what though, he was all smiles when he woke up this morning and the tooth fairy left him $1. That's one more dollar to spend in Florida in two weeks.


Anonymous said...

Love it. I am terrified of when the kids start losing teeth for some reason. Like the blog makeover very sheik!

Lindsay Helm said...

aw..that is sad..but still funny. I applaud donny on his cleverness :)