Thursday, March 5, 2009


My little ones love to go to the little play area at the mall. Most of my kids are too old and too big to play there but it doesn't stop them. I do make them walk on their knees if there are small kids around so my kids don't plow the babs over.

My boys were seeing how far they could go on the wall without touching the floor.

I don't know if they is technically cheating, maybe we'll call it a little helper.

I was a bit nervous the boys were going to go over the wall and land on their heads on the tile. They never did thank goodness.

I don't know if they were trying to hide from me, but I found them.

Peek-a-boo, I think they found me this time.

You can't tell that I'm raising drama queens can you? I need to get them into theater.

I think this is Bear dying at the bottom of a water fall. Ahhh too bad, he will be missed.

What a brave soul, taking a header.

I love having kids, even when they all are a little goof-and-a-half.

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