9/30/08~ Found out that my brother, Lowell, and his wife, Rae, are expecting their third child. YEAH! I hope they have a girl, Rae needs a calm sweet pretty little thing. She needs someone in her corner to help her against all those rough and tumble, but oh so cute, boys.
9/29/08~ I went over to my mom's to help her can peaches. I didn't make it very long. My body is still trying to recover therefore doesn't have much stamina.
9/28/08~ I am staying home sick from church. I probably shouldn't'v gone to the museum yesterday but I didn't want to miss a family outing. I just can't risk getting all those innocent toddlers sick. I know I'd be ticked if one of my kids teacher came to church sick and got them sick. How inconsiderate. I feel like my eyeballs are on fire and screaming to be plucked from my head. What fun!
9/27/08~ Today my in-laws took us to the Idaho Falls Museum to see the Pharaohs exhibit, out to lunch, and to the Green Belt to feed the ducks. I love watching my kids with their grandparents. I don't think my kids understand how blessed they are to have not only one set of awesome grandparents, but they have seven grandparents who adore them all.
9/26/08~ I think I am coming down with the flu. I hate getting sick especially when I know it's going to pass on to my kids. Sickness always has to cycle around the family, how fun. I just hope downing all this Echinacea and Vitamin C helps and I'm able to get better quicker.
9/25/08~ Big D bought me a new Canon Xsi. I've been wanting an SLR camera for awhile. It's nice because Big D and I take turns buying big purchases, which consists anything over $500. When we pay mine off it will be Big D's turn, he's already dreaming about what it will be. I haven't received my camera yet because we ordered off of EBay. I so hope I don't get scammed. I've never been before but I hear a lot of horror stories. Plus, this is a lot of money to loose if it is a scam. I think Big D will call it a 'loose a turn' on my big purchase the next go around.
9/24/08~ My professor likes me, he really likes me. I am on cloud nine after all the compliments he gave me today. I pray I don't let this go to my head and have it ruin me. All I don't need is for him to come up to me and say, "Where did you go wrong?"
9/23/98~ Bud and Bear were sword fighting with sticks when Bud smacked Bear in the face really hard. Bear came screaming in the house with a bloody fat lip. My cute sweet little boys are growing up and getting rougher. I'm sure one day I will have to break up and fist fight between the two. I'm not looking forward to that day.
9/22/08~ I got a 106 on my first article. I was so stoked, now I just have to make sure it doesn't go to my head. The last time I did that I got a 63 on my next one.
9/21/08~ What a nice Autumn Sunday. A chill in the air and a warm loving kitchen to share a good meal with family. Sunday's just don't get better.
9/20/08~ We had a lazy day at home. I think most of us took naps, without any prompting from mom. It was a cold wet day outside so we relaxed, got some reading done (I finally finished 'Eldest'), and watched a movie.
9/19/08~ I forgot to take Bear to school. All the other kids had the day off for Parent Teacher Conferences so I slept in and enjoyed reading in bed. I think I remembered about Bear's school about noonish and by then it was too late. I did feel bad to hear that the little boy I usually bring home didn't have a ride, his mom ended up rescuing him. Oops!
9/18/08~ I had Parent Teacher Conferences with my three oldest today. It is so nice to go in and have the teacher go on about what a pleasure it is to have my kids in their classes. I mean I know my kids are great but it's nice that others see it as well. I am so proud of my munchkins, they work really hard at school and they earn the respect of their peers as well as show that respect to their teachers. I am a proud mama.
9/17/08~ In my writing lab today I was one of the last ones done with my article because last week I was the first one done and I got a horrible grade. I'm hoping this time I caught more of my mistakes and will hopefully get a better grade. I think I also got a bit cocky last week because the week before I got the second highest grade on my paper. I'll never do that again, get cocky.
9/16/08~ Big D and I both started coming down with a head cold. It's hard to focus on anything but how miserable I am. Big D hates it when we are both sick at the same time because then I don't baby him. I tend to tell him to suck it up and quit being a baby, he doesn't like that.
9/15/08~ Bug was complaining to Big D about why I always give Bear so much time and attention during Family Home Evening. Big D told her that she earned herself an opportunity to be in charge of Bear the rest of the evening. By the time everyone was in bed, she had to put Bear to bed too, she came up and gave me a big hug thanking me for always taking care of Bear. It made me feel appreciated and that Bug opened her eyes, even if just a little, to how hard it is being a parent of not just one, but four kids.
9/14/08~ I was going to ask to be released from the nursery. I hate asking to be released from a calling, the last time was the nursery because I was pregnant with Beaner and I couldn't get down on the floor with the kids anymore. Well, this time I was going to ask to be released because I've been having so many separation issues with Bear. They put me in nursery right as Bear went in. He hasn't had to be separated from me, ever. Now that he has school and going to my sister-in-laws to be babysat he freaks out when I have to leave him for an hour or two. I've never had problems with any of my other kids. However, I realized that this is just one of our trials we are going to have to over come. If the Lord wants me released, he sees the struggles we are having, he will release me. Until then I am going to enjoy the time I have with those little ones. They crack me up.
9/13/08~ We took the kids to see "Kung Fu Panda". It was funny but definitely not a must buy. It was a watch once and be satisfied. We had fun though. I think this is the first movie we made it through with Bear. He got a little jittery but we didn't have to take him out of the theater.
9/12/08~ Bear went to school without crying today,which is great but I didn't have school today so I wasn't late for anything. It really helped having someone else take him so he didn't feel like me staying was an option. Of course, when he got home he said, "I didn't cry today can I have a toy out of the prize box?" That kid can focus, I tell you what, when he wants something.
9/11/08~ Big D is getting a little overwhelmed with two classes and a little behind at work. He said he wanted to go back to school to fill in some of his free time because he was bored. Well now it's taking over his life and causing him to sacrifice time with is family. However, he discovered this a bit too late, the last day to drop a class was the 8th. So he thinks next semester he will only sign up for one class. He's praying he doesn't get so far behind at work that he looses his job before then.
9/10/08~ I found out that I got the second highest grade on my first paper. My professor admitted to flunking this exercise the first time he did it so getting an 87% was pretty good for me. It made my day!
9/9/08~I've had a little bit of the blazzays lately, not accomplishing much that is note worthy.
9/8/08~ I took Bear to school today, something I set up so I wouldn't have to do because I knew he'd throw a fit when I left. Well the lady I am suppose to be car pooling with, her grandpa died and went to his funeral today. Bear's school and my class start at the same time so I thought I could just take him a bit early, hang out for a minute, kiss him and leave. Oh that worked real well right up until it was the leaving part. He threw the biggest fit and at this point I was already late for class. I had to just hand him to his teacher and leave. I should win the "Best Mom of the Year" for that one. His teacher said he quit crying a few minutes after I left and he enjoyed the rest of the day, but still, what a great mom.
9/7/08~ It is really hard to concentrate on homework when I have four children who think they need to be chased and tickled all day. I did get a little reading done but not much. The main reason I am in dire need to read is I ordered my book online two weeks ago for $72, I paid extra for the quick delivery and it still hasn't gotten here. So I went to the book store and spent the $98 for the book here. The full return policy is 48 hours. I bought myself an extra day doing it over the weekend. I need to read as much as possible so I can take the book back. I am playing with fire here, I just pray I don't get burned, again.
9/6/08~ I had a choice: either do homework, that I've been neglecting and way behind on, or can the millions of veggies that are threatening to go bad. Guess which task won out? Yep I canned salsa and hot pickle mix all day. Afterward I got to go visit with my girlfriend, Jen, at her Papa's house before she left back home.
9/5/98~ I went to my first funeral that I was excited to go to. Every since I lost my son I've had a hard time going to funerals. I usually never make it all the way through the whole thing the immense weight of despair makes it so I can't breath and I have to find the nearest exit. But not today, today was a happy funeral, well for me anyway. I found my best friend from the sixth grade, Jennifer. What a great day!
9/4/08~ I had a To Do list as long as my arm, so I decided to take the day off and just play with my Bear and read a book.
9/3/08~ We had a fire drill at school today. I was relieved because I had a quiz and I was late. My professor only gives us so much time on quizzes so I would've been screwed on time. I was late because Bear decided to be a bear when I dropped him off at my sister-in-laws to be baby-sat.
9/2/08~ I witnessed the extraction of my nephews fingers from a Kitchen Aid slicer blade. He thought it would be fun to us the blade as a gun.
9/1/08~ Labor Day, a nice three day weekend. I had a wonderful time putting my cousin and sister-in-law, Rae, to work. It was nice to make new canning memories. I used to can with She wolf, my brother's ex. We had a lot of fun canning together. When I started canning this year without her it made me a bit reminiscent and sad. Now I have new memories to pull from next year when I start canning again.