Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Laughing Only Makes it Worse

I know I write a lot about Bear, it's because we spend the most time together. Yesterday I went in the kitchen to make him and Bud lunch. On the counter was a left over bagel from breakfast.

Bear decided he wanted to munch on the bagel while I made lunch. He grabbed it and started to tease me saying, "I'm going to eat it". So I started teasing him back telling him that it was my bagel.

He hurry and took a bite to mark his territory, so to speak. I laughed and lunged like I was going to chase him to get the bagel back.

He took off running and smacked right in to the corner of the wall. His bagel, including the piece in his mouth, flew one way as his body bounced the opposite way. He hit so hard his little body bounced a good three feet backwards.

Instant screams shot out of his mouth, understandable. I felt so bad but at the same time I was trying to hold in the laughter that was building inside of me. I knew if I started laughing I wouldn't be able to stop and it would so make things worse. Bear would cry harder, which would make me feel worse and laugh harder. You see where this was going.

I was a good mom though, I held my laughter back but I did hide his face as not to see the massive smile on mine. I rocked and kissed him all better.

Now he looks like he has a horn that is trying to protrude out the middle of his forehead. It's a good thing a horn wouldn't slow him down. He cried for maybe five minutes and then he was off playing again, minus the bagel.

If I would've let my laughter out he probably would've cried for a good thirty minutes. I really am a good mom today, I'd probably be an even better one if I didn't go around causing my kids slam into walls.

1 comment:

Camie Marie said...

I thought I was going to read about bodily fluids of some sort. I'm glad it was just a bagel. ;)