Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hold Your Shorts

Ann, Bear, and I went to Costco for a minute to pick up some sugar snap peas. We thought we'd walk around for a minute before we went to walk the dogs.

Ann stopped to look at the books and I thought of some thing I wanted to check out real fast. I started walking away with Bear hanging onto the side of the cart. I told him to say good-bye to auntie Ann because we were leaving her.

He got a bit panicky and started screaming, "No, Hello Ann Hello". Before he had a total melt down I said, "Hold your shorts, we're just going to go see some thing really quick and then we'll go back to her."

He calmed down and I made it to the other side of the store. I was looking for what I wanted and Bear said, "Mom, I can't hold it any more."

I got a little panicky this time and asked, "Hold what? Do you need to go potty?" He said, "No, I can't hold my shorts any more."

I looked down and he was hanging on to the cart with one hand and his shorts with the other. I laughed and told him he could let go of his shorts.

He then asked why he had to hold his shorts. How do you explain to a four year old what an expression is?

I tried and failed.

1 comment:

Camie Marie said...

What a mean mom? You made him hold his pants up all that time!! :) I'm surprised one of the food venue people didn't throw their samples at you. Ha. Ha.