I might be a mean mom but I make my kids wait in the other room while the Easter Bunny is delivering his goods. Big D and I hop around the living room hiding eggs. Big D even does a weird bunny voice like we are talking to him. The kids go crazy with anticipation.
After the torture is over we release the hounds and they pounce on their goods. The kids are fascinated with pregnancy right now, go figure, so Bug had to show us her belly.
Beaner pounced a bit quicker than everyone else so she found the most eggs. As you can see she is not about to share, too bad for her. She finally relented and gave one to Bear who is the slowest and shortest egg hunter.
Despite the fact he didn't find the most eggs, Bear is still happy with his finds. And thanks to Aunt Kathy they got SOME candy in their eggs instead of the boring $$$ that mom always puts in. Aunt Kathy also spoiled each of them with a book that they love. Thank You Aunt Kathy!!!
After we were all done we got down on the floor and counted out their $$$ to make sure everyone got the same amount, $5. More $$$ for them to spend in Florida, YEAH! Unless the $$$ burns a hole in their pockets first, darn those school book fairs.
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