I am probably more excited for summer vacation than my kids are. I was blind sided in my thinking after my class was done things would slow down and I'd be able to relax a bit. Nope. It's a good thing my class ended when it did or I would have gone crazy with every thing the kids need for the end of their school year. The camping trips, the graduations, the parties. I don't think I would have been able to keep up with everyone.
But after tomorrow it will all be over, at least for three months. Now can I relax? Probably not. Big D is afraid I am so excited for summer, but then when it actually gets here, I will be praying for school to start again. He could very well be right, I am going to have my Niece, Lynn, and Nephew, Brook Jr., a lot this summer. That makes six kids all day long in my tiny house. I won't have any where to escape too.
Be that as it may, I am still excited for sleeping in, stooping (sitting on the front porch watching people go by), water fights, oh and boating, lots and lots of boating.
I think the Lord is try to teach me patients with having six kids around all day every day. He is also helping me with gratitude, I am extremely grateful I only have to raise four kids, not that I wouldn't love to have been blessed to raise all five of my kids.
This summer is going to be a time for fun, freedom, and growth for all of us. I just pray we all survive, because it is going to be just that fun.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Goals #18 (pen pal) & #36 (potty train Bear)
I think I can safely say I accomplished these two goals. I have been writing everyday, via email, to my girl friend C, for at least a month. I think it has helped us renew our friendship, not that we ever fell out of touch. We talked by phone every couple months but we didn't really stay up to date on each others lives. Now we email every day a quick 'Wassup' and 'How ya doing?'. It is nice to have someone share my many frustrations with that is not directly affected by them.
It's one thing to whine to Big D about my complaints, however, most of my complaints are his complaints as well, so it really doesn't satisfy my need to vent and constructive receive advice. I get that relief when I vent to C, that and she's not afraid to tell my I'm and idiot sometimes.
With goal #36 Potty Train Bear, I think I have had success in that department. He is doing great with keeping his training pants dry and poop free. We still have to occasional dampness in the mornings, but we will rectify that.
I don't know what finally clicked for him because we used bribery with new toys, threats of taking away toys, promises of no more naps. We didn't start seeing good results until we told him he wouldn't be able to go out to Grandma and Papa's Ranch for the weekend until he learned to use the potty. It helps too that the rest of the kids are going out this weekend, it gave him a foreseeable deadline. As soon as we said that he jumped right on it and quit throwing temper tantrums whenever the word "toilet" came up in a conversation. He started coming to us and informing us that he needed to use the restroom.
I am one proud mama right now, partly because this means I don't have to buy diapers, nor change diapers any more. You can't see it right now, but I am doing a happy dance.
It's one thing to whine to Big D about my complaints, however, most of my complaints are his complaints as well, so it really doesn't satisfy my need to vent and constructive receive advice. I get that relief when I vent to C, that and she's not afraid to tell my I'm and idiot sometimes.
With goal #36 Potty Train Bear, I think I have had success in that department. He is doing great with keeping his training pants dry and poop free. We still have to occasional dampness in the mornings, but we will rectify that.
I don't know what finally clicked for him because we used bribery with new toys, threats of taking away toys, promises of no more naps. We didn't start seeing good results until we told him he wouldn't be able to go out to Grandma and Papa's Ranch for the weekend until he learned to use the potty. It helps too that the rest of the kids are going out this weekend, it gave him a foreseeable deadline. As soon as we said that he jumped right on it and quit throwing temper tantrums whenever the word "toilet" came up in a conversation. He started coming to us and informing us that he needed to use the restroom.
I am one proud mama right now, partly because this means I don't have to buy diapers, nor change diapers any more. You can't see it right now, but I am doing a happy dance.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Rain, Rain, Don't Go Away
We have had a week of rain. Thank goodness it stopped for a bit on Saturday so we could get our garden planted, but as soon as we got the seeds in the ground the rain started again.
I love the rain. I love the way it cleans the air and makes it so fresh. I love the way it saves me money by not having to water my lawn, and now garden. I love driving through the huge puddles that take up the entire street and listen to my kids as they scream, "Do it again." I love the way it helps Big D's allergies subside for a bit so he can function. I love that it is going to make for an awesome summer of boating.
Rain is my friend in so many ways, except when you want to sleep outside. Bug had a camp out last night. Her teacher kept telling us to be prepared for the camp out to be cancelled if the weather didn't cooperate. They made it through the entire night, but not well rested. Bug said she got really cold during the night and realize she couldn't find her sleeping bag. She grabbed a sleeping bag thinking it was hers but discovered it felt different and realized she stole the little girls sleep bag next to her. So she gave it back and kept searching for her own, in the dark. The next morning she found it right next to her. Needless to say she is down stairs, right now, tucked into her warm cozy bed sleeping.
The camping crew actually lucked out of yesterdays spontaneous hail storm that blind sided half the city. However, this morning as they were breaking down camp their own storm started. Luckily they still had a canopy set up so they could huddle together and eat their breakfast.
Bug was so excited to go on her camp out, but she was even more excited to come home. I hope this experience doesn't rain out her adventurous streak. I don't think it will, after a nap and a hot shower she will be as good as new. And even though the rain isn't fun to camp in, unless you have a camper trailer, I still love the rain. Now after we go on our Bear Lake camping trip, in a tent this year because we can't afford the gas for the motor home, and I get rained on, I might have a small change of heart. But until then I am loving the rain.
I love the rain. I love the way it cleans the air and makes it so fresh. I love the way it saves me money by not having to water my lawn, and now garden. I love driving through the huge puddles that take up the entire street and listen to my kids as they scream, "Do it again." I love the way it helps Big D's allergies subside for a bit so he can function. I love that it is going to make for an awesome summer of boating.
Rain is my friend in so many ways, except when you want to sleep outside. Bug had a camp out last night. Her teacher kept telling us to be prepared for the camp out to be cancelled if the weather didn't cooperate. They made it through the entire night, but not well rested. Bug said she got really cold during the night and realize she couldn't find her sleeping bag. She grabbed a sleeping bag thinking it was hers but discovered it felt different and realized she stole the little girls sleep bag next to her. So she gave it back and kept searching for her own, in the dark. The next morning she found it right next to her. Needless to say she is down stairs, right now, tucked into her warm cozy bed sleeping.
The camping crew actually lucked out of yesterdays spontaneous hail storm that blind sided half the city. However, this morning as they were breaking down camp their own storm started. Luckily they still had a canopy set up so they could huddle together and eat their breakfast.
Bug was so excited to go on her camp out, but she was even more excited to come home. I hope this experience doesn't rain out her adventurous streak. I don't think it will, after a nap and a hot shower she will be as good as new. And even though the rain isn't fun to camp in, unless you have a camper trailer, I still love the rain. Now after we go on our Bear Lake camping trip, in a tent this year because we can't afford the gas for the motor home, and I get rained on, I might have a small change of heart. But until then I am loving the rain.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Adventures on Our Staycation
With the price of gas jumping by 10 cents every time you blink your eyes, it is no wonder people cannot afford to go on vacations right now. We are lumped into that category so we decided to experience our very first "staycation" of the summer. The latin root of 'va' in vacation means: to go avay. The opposite would be to 'stay'. Many people are going to have to opt for staycations this summer rather than vacations, so let's make the best of it.
My niece, Lynn, and nephew, Brook Jr., were over and we wanted to do something fun. Big D brought up sleeping on the trampoline and asked me if I'd join them. It's been raining for the past week and I didn't feel like getting soaking wet in the middle of an awesome dream. I told him I would do it IF he'd set up the tent for me. Not only did he set up the tent, but he figured out a way to hang my laptop from the top of the tent so all of us could lay down and watch the movie "Over Her Dead Body". It was cute but I've seen better.
It was a bit cramped, eight people in a five man tent, but we all had a good time. It was funny when the wind would blow and the screen would float across the top of our heads, a bit distracting.
After the movie everyone hunkered down in their sleeping bags and we told stories. Big D was on the tramp with five of the kids and I was in the tent with one, Beaner. Big D would make up a story while Beaner and I, on the inside of the tent with a flashlight, would act out the story with our shadow hand puppets. It was pretty funny.
We all slept pretty good except Big D, Bud, and Bear. Big D was in the center of the tramp with the boys on either side of him. The older, and bigger, kids were around the outside of the tramp and would slide a little closer to the middle every couple minutes. They were eventually squishing the boys who woke up complaining. Big D would have to situate them again and try to get them to go back to sleep. Well, then it started to sprinkle on their heads.
Don't worry Beaner and I slept right through it and we stayed dry. I was surprised none of the kids went inside or came in the tent, they just toughed it out. What troopers we all are. All in all we had a nice staycation, but it's always nice to be home.
My niece, Lynn, and nephew, Brook Jr., were over and we wanted to do something fun. Big D brought up sleeping on the trampoline and asked me if I'd join them. It's been raining for the past week and I didn't feel like getting soaking wet in the middle of an awesome dream. I told him I would do it IF he'd set up the tent for me. Not only did he set up the tent, but he figured out a way to hang my laptop from the top of the tent so all of us could lay down and watch the movie "Over Her Dead Body". It was cute but I've seen better.
It was a bit cramped, eight people in a five man tent, but we all had a good time. It was funny when the wind would blow and the screen would float across the top of our heads, a bit distracting.
After the movie everyone hunkered down in their sleeping bags and we told stories. Big D was on the tramp with five of the kids and I was in the tent with one, Beaner. Big D would make up a story while Beaner and I, on the inside of the tent with a flashlight, would act out the story with our shadow hand puppets. It was pretty funny.
We all slept pretty good except Big D, Bud, and Bear. Big D was in the center of the tramp with the boys on either side of him. The older, and bigger, kids were around the outside of the tramp and would slide a little closer to the middle every couple minutes. They were eventually squishing the boys who woke up complaining. Big D would have to situate them again and try to get them to go back to sleep. Well, then it started to sprinkle on their heads.
Don't worry Beaner and I slept right through it and we stayed dry. I was surprised none of the kids went inside or came in the tent, they just toughed it out. What troopers we all are. All in all we had a nice staycation, but it's always nice to be home.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Potty Training a Bear
I think potty training a real bear might be easier, and less violent, than potty training my Bear. He is a stubborn three year old who transforms into a little monster the instant I mention the toilet. I have been kicked, smacked, screamed at, and, if I wasn't as quick as I am, I would have been bitten as well. Why does my precious little boy treat me this way? Because I am trying to do the unthinkable, take away his diaper freedom and force him to use the ca mode.
I have to admit he is a smart little man. He is also the epitome of: if it's not his idea, it's not happening. I will be the first to admit that this is not happening.
Bear starts preschool in the fall, so we figured that gives us all summer to potty train him and get him ready to run with the big boys. Well, he's figured out this system, when I put him on the toilet he doesn't potty. Then I take him off and the instant I put his training pants on, he let's loose. I have gotten so tired of this that I've been having him stay on the toilet until he does something. The other day he sat there for two and a half hours. I don't know if that is abuse or not but I am feeling like it's abusive to me. Having to sit on that hard floor reading and singing for two and a half hours, my bum was so flat after that, and his bum had a little ring around it. It was neither pleasant for me nor for him.
I am at a lose as to what to do. I don't want to just give up, because he needs to get potty trained before school. That and I love the idea of not having to change diapers any more, the cost is killing us. I hate making him sit on that toilet for so long, but he refuses to relax and go no matter how many books I read or songs I sing, maybe he doesn't like my voice :[
We will prevail! Bear will learn that it is way more freedom using the toilet than having to lay down and wait for someone else to change him. We will save the money we spend on diapers and retire to Tuscany some day. All will be roses, as soon as I potty train a Bear.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Boys and Their Toys
I love my husband, but I don't think he has the capability to grow up. I knew this when I married him, it is one of his endearing qualities that everyone loves about him, including me.
He was, by no means, a deprived child growing up. He was the youngest of three, and his closest sibling is about eight years older than him, he was a bit of a surprise. His sister used to cart him around like she was a new doll her parents got just for her. He was pretty much raised as an only child for many years.
Apparently all the motorcycles his dad bought for him didn't fulfil his need for toys and he secretly pined over one of those big wheel cars that you can sit in and drive. I say this because every time he sees one, he feels the need to purchase it. I think we have had three so far.
I think I would have a harder time with it if they were all brand new, but they're not. He finds "good deals" at the D.I. or yard sales. He bought a Barbie Jeep for my girls when they were about two and four. They never wanted to drive it because Big D supped it up to go about fifteen miles per hour. They were terrified of it and I can't blame them I was as well. Big D put a car battery in it and made it so he could get in and drive it too. When he'd pop it from reverse to drive he could pull off a wheelie.
Saturday, after the yard sale I sent him to take some stuff to the D.I. for donation and he came home with another Jeep. I don't know how many more will fit in our back yard? Although, the boys absolutely love it, and now they can race. It's funny that Bear, my three year old, is a better driver than Beaner, my seven year old. Beaner got herself stuck under the tramp and she relinquish the controls so Bear could get her unstuck.
What a wonderful world it is when you can witness the innocent smile on a happy child. Today is a good day :)
Monday, May 19, 2008
Yard Sale

We had a yard sale on Saturday. I think last years yard sale blinded us to reality. Last year we told everyone we were having a yard sale to raise money to buy a dog, a Yorkie. I've always wanted a Yorkie but they are so expensive that I didn't think I'd ever be able to get one, that and I felt so selfish for wanting such an expensive extravagance. So I told Big D if we made enough money to buy the dog we would get her and if not I wouldn't bother him about it ever again.
Our family and friends were so great, they donated a ton of stuff to the cause. It took us the whole day before just to set up and price every thing. It was funny because customer would relate their stories of past yard sales to us. I had one lady come up and say, "I had a yard sale a couple years ago and I made $600, but I had a lot bigger stuff so I doubt you make that." Well, we ended up making $900 and the dog cost $850. Needless to say, that is how we got Kinnzi. She is really a family dog, my entire "family dog", and everyone who meets her loves her.
This year when Big D came up with the idea to have another yard sale, I think he was blinded by last years dollar signs. We didn't hit up every body for their stuff this time, let's face it we didn't have a cause this year. We just thought we could earn some money to help pay for school or our summer vacations. Any little bit will help with gas or food.
We made a profit of about $220 this year. We only had our sale for one day instead of two and we had maybe a quarter of the stuff than last year. I think that's pretty good for a mornings work.
The funny part is, just like every time we seem to have extra money, something breaks down. Well, our van is making a funny knocking noise so we have to take it back in to the mechanic. It better not cost more than $200 or we are screwed. I was really hoping last week when we got the van fixed it was going to be the last time for awhile, but it doesn't seem so.
Is all this because we paid the van off? We should have just stuck it out for the next three years and we would have been fine, at least for three years.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Debt, What Fun!
We got our government stimulus check, and it could not have come at a better time. With the van breaking down, we had to get a loan to pay for the repairs. With the help from the government we were able to pay off our van, again. It's only the second time this year we've paid it off.
Our goal at the first of the year was to get out of debt. We owed a couple thousand on our van, way too much on our house, and way way too much on our credit card. We made the resolution to pay off our debts so we can breath and enjoy life a bit more.
We know we can't pay off the house so we thought we'd tackle the van and credit card. The van was taken care of with our tax refund, Yeah! Then the stimulus check was going to help with the credit card. As my father-in-law says, "Life is what happens to you while you're making other plans." Well, life happened and we no longer have the money from the government and we still have a lot of money owed to the VISA company.
However, what we did do is pay off my father-in-law for the loan he gave us three years ago to buy a camper trailer (a trailer we no longer own). We paid off my brother, Brook, who gave us half the money for a 50cc motorcycle for our kids. We paid my other brother, Lowell, whom we borrowed his brand new projector and proceeded to break it.
When we thought about our debts at the first of the year we forgot about our most important ones. Every single person we paid off said we didn't need too, but we did need too. It seems like nothing comes between friendships quicker than money, whether you're related or not. Those debts are more important than the VISA company. It will just take us that much longer to pay them off, but my heart feels less burdened already knowing the important debts are gone, and the year isn't over yet.
How I Saw The Lord's Hand (April 2008)
4/30/08- I actually remembered to pick up my girls from school, after forgetting them every Wednesday for the past month or so. Of course then I forgot every thing I was suppose to do with the boys: play group, 30 minutes late taking Bud to school, and then I forgot his little girlfriend I was suppose to pick up. At least I remembered the girls.
4/29/08- Coming up the on ramp of the freeway my van started sputtering and loosing power. I had a huge semi cruising up behind me and a car on the opposite side so I couldn't get over out of the way of the speeding semi. At the last minute I made it over. The Lord's hand couldn't have been more obvious if he would have picked up my car and physically moved it himself.
4/28/08- After I write, in my journal, blog, or a school paper, I get this wonderful excitement that radiates all over my body. I know this is what I am suppose to be pursuing.
4/27/08- Feeling the sweet spirit at Stake Conference, even if it was fleeting as I tried to shush my kids. He allowed me to remember what his warmth feels like. That warmth refills my well and helps me make it one more week, till I can refill it again.
4/26/08- Being able to let go of past wrongs and just enjoy the peacefulness of my dad's house for the day.
4/25/08- I decided to make turkey noodle soup for dinner, I always make enough that lasts us about a week. Come to find out my neighbor and her daughter had very bad colds, so I took them over half my soup. It is so nice when things work out that way, talk about Divine inspiration.
4/24/08- I went to my last day of class and realized the course didn't kill me.
4/23/08- Watching my boys be gentle with the other kids at playgroup.
4/22/08- Spewing out the last 1500 words to complete my paper right in time for class, I think this one is going to be another 'A'.
4/21/08- Sitting in book club I got a wonderful feeling that if I work really hard, someday they will be discussing my book.
4/20/08- Working on my last, and most important paper, for my English class. Things just started coming together so smoothly, I know it wasn't all me if you know what I mean.
4/19/08- Sitting around a campfire enjoying my families company, and sense of humor. It's pretty cool knowing I have this for eternity.
4/18/08- He is helping me relax and enjoy conversation with my sister-in-law. Helping us get to know each other better and develop a deeper relationship.
4/17/08- In my husband's hard working hands. What an awesome provider he is.
4/16/08- In my prayers, last night I didn't ask or say anything I haven't said before but for some reason this time I knew the Lord was listening and he knows what is in my heart.
4/10/08- In between the light snow showers the sun escapes the strong arm of the clouds and gently kisses my cheeks.
4/9/08- Watching Bug and Beaner interact so well together along side all their friends playing at our house.
4/8/08- In the beautiful flowers my dad and step-mother sent to my family. They are so beautiful I carry them to which ever room I am going to be spending the most time in that day. The Lord is truly the most talented artist to come up with such magnificent flower.
4/7/08- I didn't sleep well but I woke up in a great mood and ready to enjoy my kids on their first day back from Grandma and Papa's.
4/6/08- The beauty in the sunset, a stream, and a special tree.
4/5/08- He touched my heart to tell me I am a good mother and wife. And that I am right where I need to be at this stage in my life. He truly knows me and loves me.
4/4/08- When my husband rescued me from the depths of my self impose pity party. He showed up right in time before I was totally engulfed in a full blown depression that would have taken weeks to dig out of.
4/3/08- I had to have my first draft paper today. I had all Spring Break to work on it and I tried to start but I didn't get far. I realized I am not writing on the right topic and that's why it's not flowing. I said a little prayer, quit being so stubborn, and I whipped out 1000 words in a couple hours.
4/2/08- Kira didn't freak out as the dentist was ripping teeth from her mouth. I think that is huge for her.
4/1/08- I got an 'A' on my paper. I so could not have done that without the Lord's help.
4/29/08- Coming up the on ramp of the freeway my van started sputtering and loosing power. I had a huge semi cruising up behind me and a car on the opposite side so I couldn't get over out of the way of the speeding semi. At the last minute I made it over. The Lord's hand couldn't have been more obvious if he would have picked up my car and physically moved it himself.
4/28/08- After I write, in my journal, blog, or a school paper, I get this wonderful excitement that radiates all over my body. I know this is what I am suppose to be pursuing.
4/27/08- Feeling the sweet spirit at Stake Conference, even if it was fleeting as I tried to shush my kids. He allowed me to remember what his warmth feels like. That warmth refills my well and helps me make it one more week, till I can refill it again.
4/26/08- Being able to let go of past wrongs and just enjoy the peacefulness of my dad's house for the day.
4/25/08- I decided to make turkey noodle soup for dinner, I always make enough that lasts us about a week. Come to find out my neighbor and her daughter had very bad colds, so I took them over half my soup. It is so nice when things work out that way, talk about Divine inspiration.
4/24/08- I went to my last day of class and realized the course didn't kill me.
4/23/08- Watching my boys be gentle with the other kids at playgroup.
4/22/08- Spewing out the last 1500 words to complete my paper right in time for class, I think this one is going to be another 'A'.
4/21/08- Sitting in book club I got a wonderful feeling that if I work really hard, someday they will be discussing my book.
4/20/08- Working on my last, and most important paper, for my English class. Things just started coming together so smoothly, I know it wasn't all me if you know what I mean.
4/19/08- Sitting around a campfire enjoying my families company, and sense of humor. It's pretty cool knowing I have this for eternity.
4/18/08- He is helping me relax and enjoy conversation with my sister-in-law. Helping us get to know each other better and develop a deeper relationship.
4/17/08- In my husband's hard working hands. What an awesome provider he is.
4/16/08- In my prayers, last night I didn't ask or say anything I haven't said before but for some reason this time I knew the Lord was listening and he knows what is in my heart.
4/10/08- In between the light snow showers the sun escapes the strong arm of the clouds and gently kisses my cheeks.
4/9/08- Watching Bug and Beaner interact so well together along side all their friends playing at our house.
4/8/08- In the beautiful flowers my dad and step-mother sent to my family. They are so beautiful I carry them to which ever room I am going to be spending the most time in that day. The Lord is truly the most talented artist to come up with such magnificent flower.
4/7/08- I didn't sleep well but I woke up in a great mood and ready to enjoy my kids on their first day back from Grandma and Papa's.
4/6/08- The beauty in the sunset, a stream, and a special tree.
4/5/08- He touched my heart to tell me I am a good mother and wife. And that I am right where I need to be at this stage in my life. He truly knows me and loves me.
4/4/08- When my husband rescued me from the depths of my self impose pity party. He showed up right in time before I was totally engulfed in a full blown depression that would have taken weeks to dig out of.
4/3/08- I had to have my first draft paper today. I had all Spring Break to work on it and I tried to start but I didn't get far. I realized I am not writing on the right topic and that's why it's not flowing. I said a little prayer, quit being so stubborn, and I whipped out 1000 words in a couple hours.
4/2/08- Kira didn't freak out as the dentist was ripping teeth from her mouth. I think that is huge for her.
4/1/08- I got an 'A' on my paper. I so could not have done that without the Lord's help.
100 Things that Make Me Happy 26-50
50. A Healthy Free lunch on one of those days when you spend the whole day in the car, but you don't want to feed your kids fast food. It was the hospital handing out free lunches to motorists along Main St. 5/14/08
49. My Scriptures, I love to read and learn new things. The scriptures are an ever evolving entity in which I get something new every time I read them. 5/13/08
48. Good Grades, nothing beats when you've worked hard and you get recognized for it, even if you have to do a little brown nosing. After declaring myself a non-brown noser, I have learned that it really does pay off when you make other people feel good about themselves. 5/12/08
47. Weekends alone with Big D. The kids went out to my dad's and I didn't have to compete for my hubbies attention. It was the perfect Mother's Day gift. 5/11/08
46.Mother's Day, I love to think back on how my mother has influenced me in my life. There are so many sacrifices she made for me and my five brothers and sisters. I am so grateful for the wonderful example she set for me as a mother. 5/10/08
45. Trees stretching their leaves as they wake from a long rest. 5/9/08
44. Visits from my sisters, my sister, Ann, came to visit this weekend. I wish she brought Marie with her, I miss her too. I will take what I can get right now and enjoy Ann for the few days I get her. 5/5/08
43. Training Treats, it is so much fun to teach Kinnzi new tricks. She learns so fast it isn't frustrating. 5/3/08
42. Crock Pot, I love the whole thirty minutes of work, the house full of wonderful smells, and the grand finale of dinner ready to eat when everyone starts complaining of hunger pains. 5/2/08
41. Snow when you least expect it. We woke up to five inches of snow today. What a wonderful surprise. 5/1/08
40. My mini van, I said I would never drive a mini van, them my in-laws gave us there old one. When that one was on it's last leg Big D bought me a new one. Now we are having trouble with that one and it makes me realize how good I really have it. I miss my van! 4/30/08
39. 50cc motorcycle, I am not intimidated by one of those. Big D bought me a little 100 a couple years ago, but I got too nervous and wouldn't ride it. Now he bought the kids a 50 and I love riding that. Maybe next I can work my way up and get an 80. Of course the first time I wreck on the 50 it's probably going to get kicked off the 'Happy' list. 4/28/08
38. Woobies, my kids have all had a woobie (security blanket). Some are more attached to them more than others, but all the woobies seem to calm the kids down when it's time for a nap, Thank Goodness. 4/27/08
37. Watching trees bud, then stretch from it's long winter's slumber. 4/26/08
36. Pictures, I had a wonderful time looking through old pictures with the kids and reliving old memories. 4/25/08
35. Day Planner, if I didn't have one I don't think I would ever make it to any thing, forget about being on time for an event. 4/23/08
34. Dog bones that freshen breath. Holly Cow my dog has some halitosis going on. I am so glad they have dog freshening dog bones. 4/22/08
33. The warm sun streaming through my windows on nippy day. 4/21/08
32. Ponytail Holder, I love being able to pull my hair out of my face and get down to work. 4/20/08
31. Carpet Cleaner, for when Kinnzi isn't feeling well. 4/19/08
30. Remote parks surrounded by hills, we found this quiet little park nestled at the base of a hill. Not many people go there so I can relax and read a book and not have to worry about my kids running off or getting taken. It's almost like my own private park. 4/18/08
29. Brownie Points, Big D and I are trying out a new method of bribery with our kids. They earn brownie points and then they can buy toys with them. So far it is working like a dream. 4/17/08
28. Play lands in the middle of malls; We hold play group there every Wednesday and the boys love hanging out with their friends. 4/16/08
27. Heater blankets, I am not one for being cold. I know that sounds a bit strange coming from a woman whose husband is obsessed with snowmobiling. However, there is nothing better than jumping between nice warm sheets and drifting off into oblivion. 4/10/08
26. A Good Editor, just starting off in the writing world, I know I have a lot to learn. I am so grateful that I have people who are willing to read my work and give constructive feed back. Hopefully it is making me a better writer. 4/9/08
49. My Scriptures, I love to read and learn new things. The scriptures are an ever evolving entity in which I get something new every time I read them. 5/13/08
48. Good Grades, nothing beats when you've worked hard and you get recognized for it, even if you have to do a little brown nosing. After declaring myself a non-brown noser, I have learned that it really does pay off when you make other people feel good about themselves. 5/12/08
47. Weekends alone with Big D. The kids went out to my dad's and I didn't have to compete for my hubbies attention. It was the perfect Mother's Day gift. 5/11/08
46.Mother's Day, I love to think back on how my mother has influenced me in my life. There are so many sacrifices she made for me and my five brothers and sisters. I am so grateful for the wonderful example she set for me as a mother. 5/10/08
45. Trees stretching their leaves as they wake from a long rest. 5/9/08
44. Visits from my sisters, my sister, Ann, came to visit this weekend. I wish she brought Marie with her, I miss her too. I will take what I can get right now and enjoy Ann for the few days I get her. 5/5/08
43. Training Treats, it is so much fun to teach Kinnzi new tricks. She learns so fast it isn't frustrating. 5/3/08
42. Crock Pot, I love the whole thirty minutes of work, the house full of wonderful smells, and the grand finale of dinner ready to eat when everyone starts complaining of hunger pains. 5/2/08
41. Snow when you least expect it. We woke up to five inches of snow today. What a wonderful surprise. 5/1/08
40. My mini van, I said I would never drive a mini van, them my in-laws gave us there old one. When that one was on it's last leg Big D bought me a new one. Now we are having trouble with that one and it makes me realize how good I really have it. I miss my van! 4/30/08
39. 50cc motorcycle, I am not intimidated by one of those. Big D bought me a little 100 a couple years ago, but I got too nervous and wouldn't ride it. Now he bought the kids a 50 and I love riding that. Maybe next I can work my way up and get an 80. Of course the first time I wreck on the 50 it's probably going to get kicked off the 'Happy' list. 4/28/08
38. Woobies, my kids have all had a woobie (security blanket). Some are more attached to them more than others, but all the woobies seem to calm the kids down when it's time for a nap, Thank Goodness. 4/27/08
37. Watching trees bud, then stretch from it's long winter's slumber. 4/26/08
36. Pictures, I had a wonderful time looking through old pictures with the kids and reliving old memories. 4/25/08
35. Day Planner, if I didn't have one I don't think I would ever make it to any thing, forget about being on time for an event. 4/23/08
34. Dog bones that freshen breath. Holly Cow my dog has some halitosis going on. I am so glad they have dog freshening dog bones. 4/22/08
33. The warm sun streaming through my windows on nippy day. 4/21/08
32. Ponytail Holder, I love being able to pull my hair out of my face and get down to work. 4/20/08
31. Carpet Cleaner, for when Kinnzi isn't feeling well. 4/19/08
30. Remote parks surrounded by hills, we found this quiet little park nestled at the base of a hill. Not many people go there so I can relax and read a book and not have to worry about my kids running off or getting taken. It's almost like my own private park. 4/18/08
29. Brownie Points, Big D and I are trying out a new method of bribery with our kids. They earn brownie points and then they can buy toys with them. So far it is working like a dream. 4/17/08
28. Play lands in the middle of malls; We hold play group there every Wednesday and the boys love hanging out with their friends. 4/16/08
27. Heater blankets, I am not one for being cold. I know that sounds a bit strange coming from a woman whose husband is obsessed with snowmobiling. However, there is nothing better than jumping between nice warm sheets and drifting off into oblivion. 4/10/08
26. A Good Editor, just starting off in the writing world, I know I have a lot to learn. I am so grateful that I have people who are willing to read my work and give constructive feed back. Hopefully it is making me a better writer. 4/9/08
Goal #16 Don't Complain About My Calling
My calling is Nursery Leader, and it is the fourth time I've been given this calling. The first two times weren't too bad, Big D was in the nursery with me, either by calling himself or just by shear love and devotion to me. We also didn't have any kids the first two times. The third time I only had Bug so I enjoyed going in and playing with her. Well, now I have four little munchkins and I spend all week with them. Sunday is my only day to have adult conversation and to fill my spiritual well, if you will. That has been my biggest complaint but after realizing all the other callings that would be much worse than Nursery Leader I decided to be grateful for what I've been given. Plus this is my first calling since Sweeton passed away and I believe the Lord does not want to overwhelm me with too much too fast, for that I am also grateful.
After telling myself I wasn't going to complain about my calling I started seeing all the positives. I get to play with Bear and watch how he interacts with other kids. He does very well, you can definitely tell the kids who are only children. Bear is polite and does not hit or snatch. He does, however, eat his snack so quick I fear he may choke. I think that is also a sign that he is not an only child, he has to defend his food from the others.
I have loved getting to know the other kids that are between the ages of eighteen months and three years. We have some really neat little munchkins in our ward. I also love the fact that my calling is to come and play all day at church. Yeah I don't get the spiritual fulfilment that I so desperately crave, but I have discovered that I get even more fulfilment when I have personal scripture study.
What a fabulous treat it is to watch my last baby grow and spread his wings. Yes it is sad when I stop to think that I should be watching two little boys growing up. I guess that is why I stare at Bear so much, I imagine how life would be with another one of him. Wow that would definitely be a challenge! Awesome, but a challenge.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Goal # 21 Get at least a 'B' in English
I finally got my grade in English. I got a 'B+'. I know I should be exstatic, I reached my goal. So why am I crying? I am crying because I am only a point away from an 'A'. I used to laugh at people when they cried over a 'B', but now I understand how they feel. It feel like coming in second in a big race when you know how close you were to coming in first. All second place is is first looser and that is exactly how I feel right now, a looser. Boo Hoo Hoo. I am ashamed to admit my grade to everyone. I feel like I should have done better, I wanted to do better. I guess all there is left to do is work harder next semester, and set my goal at an 'A' this time. I cut myself off at the knees with this goal.
A new development has taken place, I email my professor and told him how disappointed I was in my grade. I told him since I was unable to give him a year end evaluation that I would give it to him now. I confessed that I really liked his class and that I was glad his class was my come back class after my more than ten year hiatas.
I don't know what I thought my email would produce other than a "sorry about your bad luck" reply. However, he said he relooked at my grade and I was only .2% away from an 'A' so he gave everyone in the class a .2% boost in their grade. So I guess this is highly appropriate: I gotta 'A' I gotta 'A' I gotta 'A' Hey Hey Hey! I have a perma grin on my face and I've been dancing around the house. It's a good day.
A new development has taken place, I email my professor and told him how disappointed I was in my grade. I told him since I was unable to give him a year end evaluation that I would give it to him now. I confessed that I really liked his class and that I was glad his class was my come back class after my more than ten year hiatas.
I don't know what I thought my email would produce other than a "sorry about your bad luck" reply. However, he said he relooked at my grade and I was only .2% away from an 'A' so he gave everyone in the class a .2% boost in their grade. So I guess this is highly appropriate: I gotta 'A' I gotta 'A' I gotta 'A' Hey Hey Hey! I have a perma grin on my face and I've been dancing around the house. It's a good day.
Mother's Day
Mom, I am writing to you on this very special day
To tell you how I feel in my own loving way.
As my mind thinks back and reflects on the past
I am reminded of the times you helped me skip class.
If I arrived home with a guilty look on my face
Twenty questions was the game that always took place.
You some how knew when something wasn't right
You wouldn't let up even when I put up a fight.
You took the time to know who I was
To listen to my cares or listen just because.
I wasn't always attentive when you tried to teach me
The cooking and the sewing to make my life easy.
You tried to bend my ear about the birds and the bees
But all I would say was, "Mother, Please!"
You helped me prepare to be a mother myself
And now your legacy is shown in pictures on a shelf.
Thank you for your time, your energy, and your love
You make me a better person and I think the Lord above.
My Mother's Day poem to my mother written by me and Big D
Friday, May 9, 2008
I have ordered my textbooks for next semester. I am so proud of myself too. I have decided not to do math, I am putting it off as long as possible I guess. Reporting and News Writing is my class for next semester, if I can figure out all the babysitting arrangements. I have four textbooks for the class, which should cost about $300. I went on EBay and found all of them, used of course, for around $36. I am hoping beyond hope that I got the right books, but I figure if some are wrong I will still have a head start on next semester. I will have at least an inc ling of what to expect. Sometimes I am so smart it's all I can do not to heckle at my evil geniusness, and that probably isn't even a word. Ha Ha Ha now I am making up my own verbiage, what will I think of next.
I do not have my final grade yet, however, I did get an 'A' on my last paper about stay-at-home mothers. For some reason this 'A' isn't as exciting as the last one. It is over shadowed by the fact that I'm nervous about my over all grade. It really doesn't matter if I got an 'A' on my paper if I don't get an 'A' in the class. It is going to be very very close. Don't worry I will keep you apprised of the situation, you must be as nervous as I am.
I do not have my final grade yet, however, I did get an 'A' on my last paper about stay-at-home mothers. For some reason this 'A' isn't as exciting as the last one. It is over shadowed by the fact that I'm nervous about my over all grade. It really doesn't matter if I got an 'A' on my paper if I don't get an 'A' in the class. It is going to be very very close. Don't worry I will keep you apprised of the situation, you must be as nervous as I am.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Tough Times
Times are getting tough for everyone. Food is getting more expensive, gas is forcing people to find other forms of transportation (or down size their cars), and Utility bills keep going up. I would make sweet profit off my home if I sold it. However, I would have to buy a house that is smaller than this one to be able to afford it. On top of every thing going up in price, it seems like every thing we own is breaking down. Big D's breaks needed to be replaced, I just got a phone call from the mechanic on my van and he says it's going to be about $900 to fix it, our toilet won't shut off unless you giggle the handle. I could go on but I am sure I am already boring you.
Times like these I have to focus on all our blessings; we have a beautiful home, all six of us are healthy, we have an extremely tight extended family. When I feel like succumbing to my whoa's I need to focus on what keeps me afloat, the things that are important to me and my family. If we don't get to take any trips this summer, so be it. If we don't get to go out to eat, so be it (that would actually help me pass off goal # 46). If we have to start huffing it on our bikes, it will get us in shape so, so be it. Life is rough for a lot of people right now, some who have it worse than I do. If we loose our home and have to move back in with my in-laws, at least we will still be together as a family. (I put that in there for my in-laws benefit,Ha Ha. They would probably move and not give us their new address if we asked to move back in :)
I am going to square my shoulders, thank the Lord for the blessings he's seen fit to bestow upon us, and enjoy my kids. Pretty soon they are going to be moving out and trying to make their way through this world. I need to help them have the best childhood no money can buy.
Times like these I have to focus on all our blessings; we have a beautiful home, all six of us are healthy, we have an extremely tight extended family. When I feel like succumbing to my whoa's I need to focus on what keeps me afloat, the things that are important to me and my family. If we don't get to take any trips this summer, so be it. If we don't get to go out to eat, so be it (that would actually help me pass off goal # 46). If we have to start huffing it on our bikes, it will get us in shape so, so be it. Life is rough for a lot of people right now, some who have it worse than I do. If we loose our home and have to move back in with my in-laws, at least we will still be together as a family. (I put that in there for my in-laws benefit,Ha Ha. They would probably move and not give us their new address if we asked to move back in :)
I am going to square my shoulders, thank the Lord for the blessings he's seen fit to bestow upon us, and enjoy my kids. Pretty soon they are going to be moving out and trying to make their way through this world. I need to help them have the best childhood no money can buy.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Goal #35 Teach Kinnzi a New Trick
I love how fast Kinnzi learns new tricks. Although, it's funny that we get so excited about the new tricks we teach her that we make her do the new one over and over. Now every time we even say her name she does the last trick we taught her. The last trick was to play dead when we shot her with our snappy finger hand gun. The new trick is to shake hands and getting her to sit still while trying to teach her to shake was the biggest challenge. She kept rolling over on her back playing dead and then get all excited for her treat because she did so good, at playing dead. She finally figured out that play dead wasn't getting her any treats so she complied with the hand shakes. I think some times she's a little too smart for her own good, it's a good thing she is so cute.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Friends, Best Friends

I have one friends left from high school. I have others who I would count as acquaintances, but one true friend. We talk a lot by email, we both live in different states and are too cheap to use the phone. Plus we both have little kids and when we do finally get a chance to talk on the phone it is inevitably interrupted by a screaming child in need of immediate attention. So we have discovered we can talk all we want over the wonderfully innovative Internet.
She told me today that I saved her more than once in high school. I don't quite know what she was talking about, but I had to laugh because it was her who did all the saving. Let me back up a bit, in junior high I wasn't not the most sane person. I was rebelling, shall we say, as a lot of kids do at that age of discovery. I experimented with smoking and drinking. I dated some questionable young men with less than stellar reputations. All of these acts of rebellion awarded me with a not so shiny reputation.
Well, I decided I wanted to change my ways and start living my religion, so I dumped all my friends and became a self imposed loner. I can't really say how C and I became friends because she had her own group of friends. I don't know if she took pity on my sitting at the foot of my locker coloring in my favorite Snow White coloring book. I know it sounds like I was in elementary, but no. She started coloring with me and inviting me to do stuff with her and her friends. Eventually it was just me and her doing stuff all the time.
C, my friend, didn't have to take pity on me, she could have stuck her nose at me because I was not worthy to be her friend, and I mean that in the literal sense. C comes from a religious family. She's always known what is right, and what is wrong. She didn't have to go through the rebellious years, and experiment to find out who she was and what she wanted to be. All I could have done at that point is drag her down. I am sure her mother wasn't too happy with me hanging around her daughter.
However, a funny thing happened, she raised the status of my reputation rather than me pulling hers down. She set a good example for me and showed me how to live the life style I wanted to live. She helped me to realize I didn't need to be friends with everyone to be important, I just needed to be a good friend to one person to be important. I don't really know what she meant by me "saving" her in high school, but I do believe she got it all wrong, she saved me.
Have you ever had someone like that in your life? Someone who saved you!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
April Showers bring May... What?
What a wonderful treat to wake up the first day of May and have five inches of snow covering my flowers. I bet there were a lot of grumbles this morning from people traveling to work and school. It was not my day for car pool so I am peachy. Bud and Bear wanted to get all suited up as soon as they saw the snow, of course I had to dig all their winter cloths out of storage. I wasn't expecting to need them again this season. I've been watching the boys out my window. They are trying to jump on the snow covered trampoline, I think they are sliding more than jumping.
I love the changing of the seasons. It is a bit difficult when I am excited for Summer and Spring is cold and cloudy. Or if I am excited for Winter and Fall is windy and freezing, but no snow. Every season has such wonderful surprises that I just can't help looking forward to each one. And when I get to witness my kids enjoying those little surprises, it is a bonus for me.
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